Example sentences of "account for [art] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Although the tyranny of ‘ promotion examinations ’ has mercifully decreased in the past decade , in many countries yearly and termly examinations and preparation for them account for a quite disproportionate amount of school time and teachers are virtually ignorant of how and why and when to test .
2 Following the Seveso incident , strict EEC legislation has virtually eliminated the possibility of similar accidents which account for a relatively small component of overall exposure .
3 These , with automatic fire-alarms going off inexplicably , account for a far higher percentage of calls than do fires .
4 Launch failures account for a very high proportion of gliding accidents , making cable break practice a very important aspect of glider training .
5 The four broad types I have mentioned account for a very large proportion of governmental activity , but each could be divided up into a number of smaller functions .
6 Such bids are regularly submitted but only account for a very small amount of stock allotted .
7 With some 2,000 licencees worldwide it reckons Stardent/AVS installations account for no more than 10% of its base — too few to make it worthwhile porting future versions of AVS onto old Stardent kit .
8 Conversely , ‘ the simultaneous and combined economic and political struggle of European workers … helps account for the more articulated class character of [ their ] labour movements ’ ( Kassalow , 1982 , p. 210 ) directed against a very visible and expanding bourgeoisie and , in part , a response to a more repressive state apparatus ( Geary , 1981 ) .
9 The latissimus dorsi account for the very impressive ‘ V ’ shape of athletes and bodybuilders .
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