Example sentences of "stick [pers pn] in [art] " in BNC.

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1 Just stick them in a hot oven .
2 Pull out the magazine schemes that appeal most to you and stick them in a file ; mark the pages you like in books .
3 well not really stick , stick them in a tumble dryer if you 're lucky depends how much money you 've got
4 Only people with soft heads stick them in the sand and wait to be kicked up the arse by little cheats and liars .
5 Er , so stick them in the storage binder please .
6 I like them like that because what I tend to do with so I like them that big because then I can cut them up into sticks , stick them in the fridge , then if I feel like being naughty not ever so naughty because I 'm nibbling at carrots rather than a packet of crisps or something .
7 They 're both engines you stick em in a
8 Stick him in a bath .
9 get the figures , do I mean , we 're talking generalities , if you 're saying from what you know already the , the remote control gear is going to be sixteen double O four six eight O seven , and that is the best bearing arrangement that anybody could , anybody could produce , then , if that 's the answer , then for goodness sake get the figures , stick 'em in a memo so we can go and hit Peter , and make it quite clear to them that over the next year they 're going to lose half a million six double O ones , or whatever it is
10 ‘ Suck your finger and stick it in a light-socket sometime , ’ the Doc said .
11 That still puts the brakes on pretty hard does n't it , if you stick it in a figure less than thirty one thousand in the last five years .
12 Sane enough to arrange for your wife to cart off the incriminating evidence to King 's Cross Station and stick it in a left-luggage locker — ’
13 Marie smokes a fag while I brush up the hair and stick it in the bin .
14 ALBUM … detach ONE of these stamps ( for either cassettes or LPs , as required ) and stick it in the box on the front of your Grand Prize Certificate of Eligibility .
15 Just take the appropriate stamp ( for cassettes or LPs ) from the flap of this letter and stick it in the box on the front of your Grand Prize Certificate of Eligibility .
16 Cut this out and stick it in the space on your super Daily Mirror wallchart
17 Get your butcher to bone it , make a nice stuffing , roll it up , wrap it in a nice bit of tinfoil , stick it in the oven and you 've got a beautiful meal , me darling .
18 If all these gorgeous chaps are going to rally to the standard when we stick it in the salt pot , then I , for one , am going to be as fragrant and petal-soft as a lady in a soap commercial .
19 Stick it in the video .
20 What you do , stick it in the fountain ?
21 and then I never ate all mine , and the kids never ate all theirs , so I thought well I get the frozen ones and just get one out each time for Tony stick it in the oven half hour before .
22 stick it in the microwave , pass us my cup of tea
23 I tell you what , dip it in the bloody toilet paper , then stick it in the micro .
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