Example sentences of "tend [to-vb] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 This would tend to support the idea that there is an important place for the paraprofessional in the social services whether or not there is a shortage of professionally trained personnel in a given locality .
2 Anecdotal evidence does tend to support the view that owners exercise control but these instances are anything but the basis for generalizable statements across fields and decades .
3 Resulting misclassification will tend to dilute the effect of smoking and so our risk estimates are likely to be underestimates .
4 A possible disadvantage is that , since such offences may lack the stigma of the word ‘ manslaughter ’ , they may tend to underplay the gravity of the behaviour involved .
5 The trouble is that , as soon as anyone is given a piece of information , he will tend to treat the person involved in a slightly different way as a result .
6 This demand for flexibility will tend to swing the balance of load back to the teacher , with the computer program in a supportive role .
7 When that happens they will tend to implement the decision without rancour or subversion .
8 Believe it or not , bachelors do tend to cultivate the art , when it 's a choice of either starving or else eating out every night , which can be very boring after a while .
9 It was inevitable that if , in saying anything that blamed others , he did make admissions in part that would tend to confirm the accuracy of the allegations that had already been made against him .
10 If a gyro is fitted , this can tend to hide the effect of the trim offset and can , in gusty conditions , cause the tail to oscillate and lead to the mistaken conclusion that the gyro is too sensitive .
11 The latter process will tend to counteract the loss of latent inhibition produced by the former .
12 In land-scarce societies , like many Latin American countries , men will tend to monopolize the land , both through male peasant appropriation of family plots and the big landlord system of production .
13 A rapid winch launch will tend to pitch the glider back on to the tail , making a larger forward movement necessary to get the tail off the ground and so ensure a margin of speed when the aircraft takes off .
14 A rise in government expenditure adds directly to aggregate spending and hence will tend to increase the equilibrium level of aggregate demand .
15 Consequently a cold , dense lithospheric slab descending up to 700 km into the mantle at a subduction zone will tend to pull the remainder of the plate with it ( Fig. 2.17(F) ) .
16 Eventually these disorders of mood will tend to lead the sufferer back to the substance or processes of primary addiction .
17 But he says the US farmer will tend to set the price level in world grain markets and those will remain low .
18 The US farmer will tend to set the world grain price , says economist Michael Murphy .
19 According to stimulus-response theory , learning to respond with highly distinctive names to similar stimulus situations should tend to lessen the generalization of other responses from one of these situations to another since the stimuli produced by responding with the distinctive name will tend to increase the differences in the stimulus patterns of the two situations .
20 as for trade , it will be encouraged by it every way ; for carriage of all kind of heavy goods will be much easier , the waggoners will either perform in less time , or draw heavier loads , or the same load with fewer horses ; the pack-horses will carry heavier burthens , or travel further in a day … all which will tend to lessen the rate of carriage , and so bring goods cheaper to market .
21 In a world with saving and intergenerational transfers , marginalization in production need not be equated with marginalization in consumption , and any extension of savings or transfers must tend to lessen the importance of employment status in establishing overall economic status .
22 It is clear , therefore , that the economic fortune of any one region will tend to reflect the distribution of economic activity within that region .
23 So in general consumers should welcome new entrants to the credit market , not just because it widens their choice , but because it should tend to lower the cost of credit by sharpening competition .
24 Turning to movements within the income distribution , mean-variance analysis has been used to illustrate that progressive income taxation will tend to lower the amount of risk-taking it is optimal for a utility-maximizing individual to undertake .
25 One is that players will tend to chip the ball more as the tackler moves in .
26 ‘ Bring out ’ deep-set eyes with a paler shadow — obviously darker tints will tend to shade the eye and make it look deeper .
27 A hacksaw may be the only possible tool to cut existing pipe which is installed against a wall ; however , the disadvantages of a hacksaw are that it produces fine copper filings ( and care must be taken not to get these into the pipes ) and that it will tend to flatten the pipe slightly — particularly if this is held in a vice .
28 If the costs are not significantly lower , people will =til still tend to use the car .
29 Firms supplying technically complex products that require technical service and advice often place a sales engineer in the market on a semi-permanent basis , which does tend to obviate the lack of commitment criticism somewhat .
30 Dear me , those were saturnine occasions , and I 'm afraid our Stuart did tend to point the finger afterwards .
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