Example sentences of "appealed to the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He appealed to the Portuguese for help , but died and was succeeded by his only surviving son , Claudius , before a Portuguese force under Christopher , son of the famous Vasco da Gama , arrived .
2 On Nov. 1 Lukanov threatened to resign unless there was all-party support for the reforms ; subsequently describing the political mood in Bulgaria as " masochistic " , he appealed to the UDF to rise above party politics , and on Nov. 9 he reportedly offered to suspend his membership of the Bulgarian Socialist Party ( BSP ) in exchange for the UDF 's joining a coalition government .
3 Premadasa on March 23 appealed to the LTTE to " enter the democratic process " , promising that " if the LTTE gives up violence , the government will lose no time in holding fresh elections to the North-Eastern Provincial Council and to the local government institutions in that province " .
4 The Lebanese Government appealed to the United States , and King Hussein of Jordan invoked his long-standing friendship with Britain to ask for her help .
5 Addressing the inaugural session on June 16 , Italy 's Health Minister Francesco De Lorenzo appealed to the United States not to jeopardize the 1992 international AIDS conference , to be held in Boston , by continuing its immigration ban on entry by HIV-infected individuals .
6 Describing diplomacy as a " continuation of war with other weapons " , President Menem of Argentina on Jan. 3 appealed to the United Kingdom to settle the dispute over sovereignty of the Falkland/Malvinas Islands through international arbitration , along the lines of the border dispute being resolved between Argentina and Chile .
7 When the Black Prince announced measures against him , Armagnac first appealed to Edward III ; on receiving an unfavourable response , he took the matter further and appealed to the king of France , Charles V. In this he was joined by his nephew , the lord of Albret , who lodged a similar grievance against the Black Prince .
8 She appealed to the Teachers to give them their support in every way possible .
9 Moldavia 's President Mircha Snegur on Oct. 22 appealed to the Gagauzes to cancel the elections , but on Oct. 23 the government raised tensions by ordering the formation of voluntary patrols " to maintain public order and stabilize the socio-political situation " .
10 Bayley appealed to the Visitors , one of whom , Mr. Sykes , the Mayor , passed on his letter to the Goldsmiths .
11 This was not a situation which appealed to the neo-mercantilists in the Cabinet .
12 Dr Spencer appealed to the Secretary of State for Health who dismissed the appeal .
13 The firm , a manufacturer of additives for lubricants and petroleum fuels , appealed to the Secretary of State for the Environment against the council 's decision , and he appointed an inspector to hold a local inquiry into the appeals at which the District Alkali and Clean Air Inspector ( now HM Industrial Air Pollution Inspector ) gave expert evidence .
14 Claimed possession of an IDO by McAlpines Quarry Products Ltd over 470 acres of this nationally important limestone ridge , was rejected by Dyfed County Council , so the company appealed to the Secretary of State .
15 The Commissioner of Inland Revenue confirmed assessments to tax on the profits arising from the taxpayer 's sub-licensing operations and the taxpayer appealed to the Board of Review .
16 President Violeta Chamorro appealed to the US to release £58 million of frozen economic aid to help victims .
17 Three weeks ago , students appealed to the University Chancellor Lord Jenkins .
18 He appealed to the pseudo-science of ‘ phrenology ’ , which had been built around the assumption that the shape of the brain determined a person 's character .
19 His anonymous volume of pen portraits , The Whispering Gallery by an Ex-Diplomat ( 1926 ) , led to his arrest on a charge of ‘ obtaining or attempting to obtain money under false pretences ’ , but under cross-examination his engaging candour appealed to the jury which found him not guilty .
20 In 1793 , after five more strikes and heavy attention from the hated press gang at the beginning of the war with France , the seamen of the north east appealed to the seamen of the whole nation to form a national association against the press .
21 Bosnia appealed to the EC on Sept. 10 to send observers .
22 In sharp contrast to his ‘ enthusiasm ’ of 1792 , in 1806 Fox introduced the abolition resolution by reminding the Commons what was owed to its own reputation after its 1792 decision for gradual abolition was not carried through ; he appealed to the memory of Pitt and the arguments of Burke ; he looked to parliament to speak for the nation on ‘ a question in which party feelings , arising out of political connections , can have no share ’ .
23 The taxpayers appealed to the Court of Appeal .
24 Mr Nicholas appealed to the Court of Appeal ( see In Re Soundcraft Magnetics Ltd Ex parte Nicholas , The Times , 10 July 1992 ) .
25 A County Court judge found in favour of the bank and the wife appealed to the Court of Appeal ( see Barclays Bank plc v O'Brien [ 1992 ] 142 New Law Journal 1040 ) .
26 Charles I 's government gave the bishops its firm backing on this issue ; when the parishioners of St Gregory 's in London appealed to the Court of Arches against a directive from the dean and chapter of St Paul 's Cathedral concerning the position of their communion table , no less a body than the privy council itself intervened with an order in favour of the ecclesiastical authorities .
27 When her appeal to the appeal tribunal was dismissed , the applicant appealed to the Court of Appeal .
28 Next , the applicant appealed to the Court of Appeal against the decision of Barnett J. During the argument of the appeal the question arose whether the Court of Appeal had any jurisdiction to hear it , under the empowering legislation , given the criminal origins of the proceedings in suit .
29 The mother appealed to the Court of Appeal , submitting that the judge was in error in having found that the father had not subsequently acquiesced in the removal or subsequent retention of the children within the meaning of article 13 ( a ) of the Convention .
30 He appealed to the Court of Appeal on various grounds , but the only ground pursued was that the prosecution on the second indictment was in contravention of section 20(8) of the Constitution of Jamaica which provides , so far as relevant :
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