Example sentences of "arrive at a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Using committees internally to overcome restrictions on information and thereby arrive at a decision .
2 Any time you have something such as the Rodney King incident on video tape for the entire nation to see , and the jurors somehow arrive at a verdict of not guilty , it is obvious that the system is not based on truth or justice at all .
3 The present study shows that substantive uniformity , whether in the message that constitutes the text of the bill , or in the legal consequences attached to the recording , is only attainable when the various participants in the transactions arrive at a consensus with respect to the fairness of their rights and duties .
4 I believe many people increasingly want their news when it is convenient for them — when they get in from work , when they 've picked up the children from school , when they take a break from their work , or finish a meeting , when they arrive at a hotel .
5 Parents often arrive at a session with a large number of complaints and generalizations about their child 's behaviour .
6 By ingrafting representation upon democracy , we arrive at a system of government capable of embracing and confederating all the various interests and every extent of territory and population ; …
7 If we multiply the former figure by a factor of two to obtain a roughly comparable population at risk size , we arrive at a ratio of seven to one in favour ( sic ) of work-induced avoidable suffering .
8 If we follow Wimsatt and Beardsley this far , we arrive at a position that has had a great deal of attraction for literary critics , that the object of criticism must be the literary text itself .
9 The more fully we have developed ourselves the more cause for such gratitude we will have , and the more we understand the cosmos , particularly by grasping the true nature of detailed parts of it and their place in the total scheme , the more we will appreciate the sheer wonderfulness of it , and arrive at a kind of mystical adoration of it .
10 However , to go on justifying ends by further ends will involve me in an infinite regress unless I arrive at a terminus in something that I do for its own sake .
11 What we now need to ask is has the time arrived er for this measure to begin to be acceptable by the Home Office , it would be nice if there was a just a little indication er as I 'm er proceeding through er this measure from the minister at the despatch box , that the time was now right for this er particular proposal er which was not anything that was voted against er on second reading but merely failed to overcome the hurdle of getting a closure when by seventy eight votes to nil er it was carried except that carrying was not sufficient in order arrive at a closure so that the measure could move in the committee .
12 Each time they arrive at a pose , Colas somehow steals the expected kiss or holds Lise in the proper climax as Alain strikes what he believes to be the proper pose .
13 Allowed to choose for themselves under feral conditions , nearly all offspring arrive at a time when nutritional inputs to the dam are rising to a maximum , ie optimum grass growth .
14 Driveways have spaces for two cars , front and rear lawns are turfed and owners of Les Jones homes arrive at a house or bungalow which is attractive and complete in every way - and not surrounded by a mass of mud as on so many new housing estates .
15 If you arrive at a practice ground or driving range with a whole jumble of ideas , you have little chance of achieving positive results .
16 Now , she thought , now we shall get things done , sort things out , arrive at a solution .
17 Applying a multiplier of eighteen to that figure , I arrive at a figure of fifty nine thousand , three hundred and forty nine pounds and sixty pence , which is the award I would make .
18 Progressing to the next century , we arrive at an edition which might well satisfy one of Sawyer and Dartoll 's criteria , that of beauty of production .
19 If the adventurers want to enter these rooms , they arrive at an entrance to location 49 ( see location key for areas 49–52 for more details ) .
20 First arrive at an estimate of the natural unemployment rate .
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