Example sentences of "breaks down [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 But this also breaks down for the same reason and so we resolve the problem by taking what is valid from thesis and antithesis to form a synthesis .
2 It 's okay in cold water , but when you heat it up it breaks down into the carbonate , C A C O three .
3 This is so to the extent that the claim for a structurally distinct postmodernist mode of signification breaks down in the face of a variety of historical avant-garde practices ranging across Europe from London to Vienna and Moscow in the hands of such as Eliot , Joyce , the Cubists , Surrealists and others ( including , somewhat surprisingly , Kokoschka ) .
4 If swallowed , the substance rapidly breaks down in the swan 's gizzard , and passes out with no harm done .
5 Although , therefore , Dicey 's sharp distinction between the application and interpretation of statute suffices for most practical purposes , it ultimately breaks down in the face of changing views of the contours of the political community or of serious threats to the central tenets of liberal democracy .
6 This possibility gradually breaks down in the next two stanzas .
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