Example sentences of "to arrive at a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 If , for lack of a formula , British ministries ( and no doubt ministries elsewhere ) are unable to price the amenity value of landscapes threatened by development , how on earth would any government — or , more probably a conference of governments — be able to arrive at a system for pricing the air ?
2 It is ironic that the British government should have gone through so many contortions over local government tax , finally to arrive at a system whereby the bulk of tax is raised centrally and distributed to the local authorities , while such a system has been the norm in Germany for decades .
3 The RHA 's use of two of the criteria service indicators and financial indicators — to arrive at a choice of hospitals is shown in Tables 4 and 5 .
4 This is particularly important since it locates a mode of production as an essential totality , and is thus not dependent upon this or that outstanding feature to arrive at a determination .
5 NAEP went through an initial consultation with teachers and the general public in an effort to arrive at a consensus on the goals of education .
6 This was its justification : ‘ All who make war seek through war to arrive at a peace more perfect than existed before war . ’
7 However , in the need to arrive at a compromise and not to have full blown confrontation , a register of Labour supporters is the answer .
8 Insofar as English law requires the directors to take into account the interests of groups other than the shareholders it adopts the position that these interests do not fundamentally conflict with those of the shareholders and that it is therefore possible to arrive at a decision that balances all the relevant interests , subsuming them under or subordinating them to the vaguely defined collective goal of the organization .
9 William Jackson and John Turner had a long discussion about exporting , as they were both inexperienced in such matters , and they listed the strengths and weaknesses of Quality Kraft Carpets in order to arrive at a decision as to which would be the most appropriate overseas market to enter .
10 The longest and costliest criminal case in US history ended on July 27 when the prosecution dropped child molestation charges against Raymond Buckey after the jury had declared itself unable to arrive at a majority verdict .
11 To arrive at a salary that produces no income tax liability above the 25% rate , account has to be taken of the revised reliefs to set against the salary .
12 But , as I read the piece , I waited to arrive at a Government Health Warning , that sketching in court can seriously damage your reputation , not to mention your freedom !
13 But , as I read the piece , I waited to arrive at a Government Health Warning , that sketching in court can seriously damage your reputation , not to mention your freedom !
14 However , by late 1206 , it is likely that Innocent sensed that Otto 's cause was lost , for in a letter of probably August 1206 to the patriarch of Aquileia , Philip is called princeps and no longer dux , but he proceeded cautiously , aiming to arrive at a point where he might arbitrate between the parties .
15 It must be frustrating to arrive at a police station after a hectic drive , only to find that ‘ the processes of investigation ’ necessitated a quick confession from the client .
16 Richard Rolle 's at times flamboyant attempt to arrive at a form of living which would express his compulsive and impulsive drive towards personal realisation of the love of God , brought the circumstances of his life into prominence .
17 From these figures , it is possible to arrive at a number of quite different versions of what changes took place in the years in question .
18 Mr Carey said : ‘ We submitted a bid which tried to be clear about the problems , and to arrive at a view of what is practicable , which disturbs MPs as little as possible , while giving the broadcasters what they want .
19 After travelling around the continent to a constellation of cities linked by who her father knew , it was a relief to cross the Channel alone and to arrive at a place where it was not generally such a struggle to make herself understood .
20 Failure to use these words can lead to a lot of confusion , and provide opportunities for awkward parties to obstruct a reference by questioning the procedure used to arrive at a result which they expect to be unfavourable .
21 It is the task in front of humanity to arrive at a definition for all controversial acts and to set a value on them ; acts decided as ‘ good ’ contributing to the Godhead , acts decided as ‘ evil ’ detracting there from , and acts of an innocuous nature as ‘ neutral ’ — , and having no effect .
22 Although in trying to arrive at a definition of schizophrenia much emphasis has been placed on the disturbances that are found in cognitive functioning ( perception , thinking , and attention ) , abnormal emotional response is almost universal .
23 Their comments have been so interesting and helpful in enabling me to arrive at a diet plan perfected for absolute maximum effect .
24 It is clear from the above that higher headquarters placed great emphasis on L Detachment remaining essential fly as a parachute unit , and this was in keeping with Stirling 's doctrine that his men should be able to arrive at a target by whatever means were most suitable .
25 We have abstracted away from particular contexts , across communicative contexts in general , to arrive at a set of features , some of which seem relevant to the identification of a speech event as being of a particular kind , to the ability of the hearer to predict what sort of thing the speaker is likely to say in a given type of context , and to the constraining of interpretation in context .
26 In such a case , some form of conflict resolution must be adopted to arrive at a solution .
27 Remember in numerical questions to write in your scripts the steps that you go through to arrive at a solution .
28 However , the parties involved were prepared to have their heads hit together to arrive at a solution .
29 It may be a spaceship , although it is moving too slowly to arrive at a star .
30 Continuing , this charming road , my second favourite in all Scotland , now turns inland to avoid the high ground overlooking Plockton , and after a new byroad leaves on the right , makes a long detour , passing a pleasant inland loch , to arrive at a T-junction at Duirinish , the left fork heading for Kyle of Lochalsh , that on the right being a no-through-road to Plockton .
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