Example sentences of "including [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 One was a complicated case in which the client had a number of relatives living nearby , who were said to be always arguing with each other ( including about the client 's care ) .
2 They have always spent considerable time visiting schools ; in the nineteenth century there were regular visits , including during the period of payment by results ( 1862–1898 ) when the outcome of an inspection , involving assessing the children 's performance , determined whether or not the school received funds .
3 Several options for exporting the ‘ new ’ gas are under consideration , said Butler , including via the Viking A platform which was shutdown in 1991 .
4 Grants should be available to all MPs — including under the RES list MPs — for the provision and the staffing of a local office .
5 He added that " the USSR is taking part in the joint efforts to settle the conflict in Afghanistan and in this context it is ready to maintain any contacts , including with the opposition , if they can help to solve the problem " .
6 There were violent condemnations of the British government for its weakness , including from the leader of the Labour Party , the veteran near-pacifist , Michael Foot .
7 First of all , there is much to be said for simplicity which , in Canada and New South Wales , has been achieved in part by including within the scale a far narrower range of former offences than is the case in Michigan .
8 However , it surely does no more than illustrate the desirability of including within the statute a provision which points out how gradation is intended to operate .
9 Turning now to the income-related benefits , as the House knows , the uprating is , in this respect , based not on the full retail prices index , but on what is known as the Rossi index , which , in essence , is the RPI less housing costs but which we have this year brought more exactly into line with what the benefits are intended to cover by including in the calculation 20 per cent .
10 By including in the survey questionnaire certain of the items from the Solihull survey ( see Chapter 8 ) concerning school self-evaluation as a general notion ( i.e. not associated with a specific scheme ) , we were also able to contrast the attitudes towards SSE of the teachers in the two LEAs , the one operating a voluntary scheme , the other a mandatory one .
11 However , from the 1990 White Paper ( Cm 1021 , 1990 ) the Treasury gave up including in the total of planned public expenditure that part of local authority expenditure which is locally financed through local taxes and charges .
12 All that has been compounded by the Government 's crazy cuts in youth training , including in the construction industry .
13 This may be done by including in the grant of the option a proviso that it is to be void if it is not registered as an estate contract within , say , three months from the date of the lease .
14 Not all have done so ; most have designated the Central Authority ( including in the case of the United Kingdom the subsidiary authorities in each part of the U.K. ) , but others have specified the president or registrar of or public prosecutor attached to a local court within whose area the addressee is to be found .
15 It holds regular ministerial meetings to co-ordinate different aspects of policy amongst the Gulf States , including in the defence and security fields where there is most controversy .
16 This will be achieved by including in the offer letter a clause similar to that set out below : Please confirm your acceptance of the above offer by signing and returning to us the enclosed copy of this letter within the next seven days .
17 In view of the disadvantages of the husband having a fixed sum tied up in property at a time of depreciating money values , practitioners might be advised to consider including in the mortgage a provision to the effect that any capital sum received by the wife during the currency of the mortgage ( for example , by way of inheritance or pools win ) should be paid to the husband by way of reduction of the mortgage debt .
18 [ T ] he purpose of the United States base was to monitor the movements of Soviet submarines ; in the event of hostilities breaking out , the base would be the subject of a nuclear strike , with resulting devastation in the area , including to the property of the applicant , her friends and neighbours .
19 But his motion adds : ‘ This House therefore questions why an officer chose to ignore that instruction by meeting the City editor of the Observer at least twice including on the eve of publication of the special edition ’ .
20 As for Wolverhampton 's budget , there was a serious overrun last year of some £2 million , including on the operation of something called the Jennie Lee centre .
21 If this proposal is correct , there would be no singularities , and the laws of science would hold everywhere , including at the beginning of the universe .
22 As we shall see , it is possible in the quantum theory for the ordinary laws of science to hold everywhere , including at the beginning of time : it is not necessary to postulate new laws for singularities , because there need not be any singularities in the quantum theory .
23 They featured ( i ) the reinstatement of the Ministry of Justice ( abolished in 1966 ) , the minister having the right to overturn court rulings ; ( ii ) the guaranteeing to defendants of the assistance on demand of a defence lawyer , including at the investigation stage ; ( iii ) a reduction in the number of capital offences from 34 to 11 ( retaining as capital offences treason , espionage , terrorism , murder and " economic crime " such as sabotage and theft of state property ) , and the exclusion of women from capital punishment ; ( iv ) clearer definition of the crime of agitation and propaganda against the state ( which was no longer to be a capital offence ) , in order to prevent its abuse by the authorities ; ( v ) the redefinition of internment and deportation as penal rather than administrative sanctions ( i.e. requiring a court ruling rather than merely a local authority order ) ; and ( vi ) the introduction of remission for prisoners for good behaviour .
24 John Gay parodies the effect , including at the end of The Shepherd 's Week , ‘ AN ALPHABETICAL CATALOGUE OF Names , Plants , Flowers , Fruits , Birds , Beasts , Insects , and other material things mentioned in these Pastorals . ’
25 The fabric turned out very even , including around the edge of the motif .
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