Example sentences of "sentenced to [noun sg] for " in BNC.

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1 Despite a statement by Marina that she poisoned Ann Bacon , Thomas was found guilty , but as there was no absolute proof he was sentenced to imprisonment for life .
2 The story goes that trains from distant towns had special coaches attached ( or there were even dedicated special trains ) to bring those sentenced to imprisonment for serious offences to Huntsville .
3 The higher proportion of the prison population which had been sentenced to imprisonment for offences triable on indictment meant that the sentences served were longer than before , with a consequent increase in the size of the prison population overall .
4 I.C.A.C. decided to postpone inquiries , to avoid collision with another agency which was investigating the affairs of Carrian , but eventually Mr. Turner was charged with , pleaded guilty to and was sentenced to imprisonment for , a total of four charges arising from these transactions .
5 ( 2 ) This section applies to offences — ( a ) for which the sentence is fixed by law ; or ( b ) for which a person of 21 years of age or over ( not previously convicted ) may be sentenced to imprisonment for a term of five years …
6 On 10 April 1985 , Stephen John Price pleaded guilty in Sweden to aggravated drug offences relating to the distribution in Sweden of a substantial quantity ( believed to be about 140 kilogrammes ) of cannabis imported from abroad , and was sentenced to imprisonment for seven years .
7 ‘ The Secretary of State may , if recommended to do so by the Parole Board , release on licence a person serving a sentence of imprisonment for life … but shall not do so in the case of a person sentenced to imprisonment for life … except after consultation with the Lord Chief Justice of England together with the trial judge if available .
8 ( i ) When a prisoner is sentenced to imprisonment for life , within a short time the trial judge and the Lord Chief Justice are invited by the Secretary of State to express their views on the period he should serve for the purposes of retribution and deterrence .
9 An arrestable offence is defined as one for which a person may by virtue of any statute be sentenced to imprisonment for at least five years , or an attempt to commit such an offence .
10 When he was sentenced to life for killing his former rape victim , the main focus was on the release of the rapist : MP 's fury as revenge murderer gets life WHY WAS THIS MONSTER FREED ?
11 Gardiner was convicted and sentenced to life for the killing … and the armed robbery case was not proceeded with .
12 On February 11 this year , after a two-week trial , Iain was found guilty on all counts and sentenced to detention for life .
13 Then , some time later , Francis Greenway was accused of forgery in connection with a building contract made shortly before the failure ; and , tried at Bristol assizes on 23 March 1812 , he pleaded guilty and was sentenced to transportation for life .
14 No action was taken against Donald E. Lukens ( Rep. , Ohio ) who had been sentenced to prison for between 30 and 180 days and fined $1,000 in June for having sexual relations with a teenage girl below the age of consent [ ibid . ] .
15 Why does blood seep from her son ? ’ runs the grisly ballad that tells the true story of a woman in 18th century Ireland , sentenced to death for the murder of a young gentleman who turns out to be the long-lost product of her liaison with the English gentry .
16 Insanity was , and still is , a complete defence to crime , as we saw in Chapter 6.2 above , but its confines are narrow , and some persons obviously suffering from mental disorder came to be sentenced to death for murder before 1957 .
17 Two illiterate Zulu youths , Zakhele Mbatha and Nicholas Dlamini , were sentenced to death for the murder .
18 In 1961 , Nazi leader Adolf Eichmann was sentenced to death for war crimes .
19 All are believed to have been sentenced to death for criminal offences but a warrant had not been signed for their executions and some were still appealing against their conviction .
20 James Terry Roach , electrocuted in South Carolina in 1986 , had been sentenced to death for a crime committed when he was 17 years old .
21 THE last Supreme Court case in which Justice Byron White heard oral argument was an appeal by Dorsey Lee Johnson , a young Texan sentenced to death for a brutal murder .
22 In the fifties Khomeini attempted , vainly to obtain clemency for members of the Islamic fedayeen ( the precursor of Islamic jihad and Hezbollah which came to prominence in Lebanon in the 1980's ) who had been sentenced to death for assassinating prominent members of the Shah regime .
23 In America a lady had been sentenced to death for hiring an assassin to shoot her father and her stepfather .
24 The Soviet Communist Party newspaper Pravda reported on Jan. 14 that a former Soviet diplomat had recently been sentenced to death for passing Soviet defence secrets to the United States .
25 Sentenced to death for the casual murder of two teenage boys in San Diego in 1978 , Harris had lodged numerous appeals , several of which had been considered by the Supreme Court .
26 The three , Kevin Woods , Barry Bawden and Michael Smith , were all members of the ( pre-independence ) Rhodesian Army , and two of them had already been sentenced to death for the car-bomb killing in January 1988 of a Zimbabwean driver at an ANC house in the south-western town of Bulawayo ( in which Barry Bawden 's brother Kit Bawden was also implicated — see p. 36415 ) .
27 On Oct. 4 six men were sentenced to death for trafficking in cannabis and on Nov. 9 five men , aged between 35 and 46 , were sentenced to hang for similar offences [ see also pp. 34485 ; 36557 ] .
28 The prosecution claimed that the four had been brought from a manse in Soweto to her house , and one of her bodyguards had already been sentenced to death for the murder of one of them , " Stompie " Moeketsi Seipei [ see p. 37441 ] .
29 The body of one of the four , " Stompie " Moeketsie Seipei , was subsequently found on waste ground , and one of Winnie Mandela 's bodyguards was sentenced to death for his murder [ see pp. 36452 ; 37441 ] .
30 Five people were sentenced to death for drug trafficking in Hunan province on June 24 ; two days later , in Yunnan province , 21 traffickers were executed .
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