Example sentences of "recommended [that] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In order to facilitate progress , the report recommended that regional bodies be asked to draw up and submit plans for their areas for the organization of in-service courses .
2 The Widdicombe Committee recommended that such attendance should remain possible subject to two safeguards :
3 It is , therefore , recommended that such covenant be insisted upon .
4 It also recommended that new entrants to the industry should be encouraged to attend short induction courses providing practically oriented instruction and information on opportunities in industry ; and that craft education should be founded on two interrelated phases , normally completed within two or three years depending on whether or not full-time study is included , leading to a national craft qualification .
5 The World Bank recommended that total commitments for 1989-90 should total US$6,700 million , with 60 per cent of the total to be provided on concessional terms .
6 At the insistence of the USA , the Convention stopped short of setting a binding target date for emission reductions , but recommended that industrialized states should aim to stabilize CO 2 emissions at 1990 levels by the year 2000 ( a target already agreed by the European Community " see p. 37784 " and Japan ) .
7 Set up after publication of the Taylor Report for England and Wales ( see 1977 Taylor ) , this working party recommended that each school in Northern Ireland too ( with the possible exception of small primary schools ) should have a board of governors .
8 It further recommended that greater effort should be made to employ and promote teachers from ethnic minority groups , though without positive discrimination or lowering of standards .
9 The Kilbrandon Committee recommended that individual decisions should be made regarding the best measures for dealing with each child , and that these should be made separately from decisions about guilt or innocence .
10 A report from the Royal College of Physicians recommended that elderly patients should have better access to cardiological services , including coronary angioplasty and cardiac surgery .
11 They recommended that two wings be added to the infirmary , one at each end .
12 Deception was inadvertently assisted by the British Standards Institution in 1960 , when they recommended that all records with a vertical element in the groove modulation should have the word ‘ Stereo ’ on the label .
13 A minority of three recommended that all equity shareholders should have a right to attend and speak at meetings and that there should be a prohibition on the listing of non-voting or restricted-voting equity shares .
14 It also recommended that all equity transactions should be published immediately , except those larger than the value of NMS , whereby publication will occur within 90 minutes .
15 When considering assessment the Munn Report recommended that all subjects should be examined , with three levels of syllabuses to accommodate different ability groups .
16 It laid great emphasis on value for money auditing and recommended that all health authorities establish value for money teams whose role would be to effect annual savings which could be used for improving services .
17 The Kingman Report recommended that all children at the age of 16 should speak in Standard English , ‘ using their own accents ( provided that these accents do not impair comprehension by other speakers of English ) ’ ( chapter 5 , p. 52 ) .
18 The Williams Committee , which reported on the Obscenity laws in 1979 , recommended that all restraints on the written word should be lifted — a position which they thought had already been achieved de facto .
19 While accepting that officers must adapt to political reality — by , for example , being prepared when invited to attend party groups subject to certain safeguards — it rejected any move towards a ‘ spoils system ’ in local government , and recommended that principal officers should be prohibited from engaging in political activity , including standing for council office .
20 In July the National Congress recommended that diplomatic relations be established with the Soviet Union .
21 In only one instance , the tobacco industry , has the MMC recommended companies actually be split up ; it recommended that Imperial Tobacco should sell its 42.5 per cent share in Gallaghers , but the Secretary of State did not accept this recommendation .
22 It recommended that criminal charges be brought , stating that " indiscriminate and prolonged shooting at innocent demonstrators is morally and legally indefensible and is deserving of the strongest censure " .
23 He has pointed to the difference between the treatment of offenders in Scotland and England , and said that the Scots do not imprison defaulters following their acceptance of the Scottish Law Commission 's report , which recommended that civil imprisonment for the non-payment of rates and taxes should be abolished .
24 Then , in 1985 , a government-appointed committee , the Wimalaratne Committee , recommended that parate execution in relation to corporeal movables be extended .
25 The widely read and influential book of the French politician and columnist , ServanSchreiber , translated as The Amer–can Challenge ( 1968 ) , summed up these fears ahout the loss of economic independence , and recommended that European industry and commerce should learn from the methods of the Americans and try to beat them at their own game .
26 The CPRS recommended that central government should deal with local authorities more on an interdepartmental programme basis than on a separate service-by-service basis .
27 This resource was fully realised by the Home Office who recommended that deaf men should be recruited as Air Raid Wardens ( A.R.P 's ) and firewatchers , and many deaf men did in fact serve in these capacities , and also as stretcher-bearers in air-raid conditions .
28 And he recommended that most prisons should be ‘ community prisons ’ catering for a wide variety of prisoners from their locality , a prescription which does not seem readily compatible with the notion that this sort of mixture is conducive to disorder .
29 In his opening address on Sept. 16 , the IAEA 's Director-General Hans Blix had called for more stringent measures to help detect illicit nuclear weapons programmes and recommended that national intelligence agencies share information with the IAEA on possible violations of nuclear non-proliferation accords .
30 They discussed the desirability of the congregation standing during praise at the English service and recommended that this attitude be adopted .
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