Example sentences of "coupled with the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Lying in the track of the depressions which so dominate our climate the island catches more than its fair share of bad weather and this , coupled with the conflicting tides of the North Sea and North Atlantic , makes the surrounding waters very troubled for most of the time .
2 Indeed the abolition of the GLC and metropolitan county councils , coupled with the recent development in inner-city areas of enterprise zones , city task forces and urban development corporations , has already meant in some localities a reduced role for elected councils in local service provision .
3 Although today 's bore was n't that high , coupled with the recent rains a massive volume of water surged down the River Severn .
4 People identified with the ‘ adult heartache ’ lyrical content coupled with the strong melodies and your R&B rhythm section …
5 Coupled with the financial implications if carers decided they could no longer shoulder this burden the case for supporting respite care becomes overwhelming .
6 With more A-level passes coupled with the financial squeeze on some universities the competition for places is greater than ever this year .
7 With more A-level passes coupled with the financial squeeze on some universities the competition for places is greater than ever this year .
8 It would be possible to have any of the following varieties : the individual affected merely suspecting bias ; the court ex post suspecting bias ; the reasonable man suspecting bias ; the justice suspecting bias ; or any of these four ‘ viewing points ’ coupled with the higher hurdle of likelihood .
9 It is the ease of control coupled with the manipulative power of DVA-4000 which is Videologic 's most impressive achievement .
10 It should be stated that 99% of the SVR passengers took the disruptions in their stride , especially when locomotives came out of rostered order to the advertised timetable coupled with the tropical downpour all day .
11 Taking good photographs of fish needs patience in a community tank , most fish are always on the move and coupled with the small depth of field that one has to work with , fish are a difficult to photograph .
12 Despite all the above , Feare ( 1971 a-quoted by Cramp et al. , 1983 ) did not regard dog-whelks as an important food source for oystercatchers in England-the low success rate of attempts to break dogwhelk shells , coupled with the small quantity of food eventually obtained , renders it an uneconomical prey .
13 But that very willingness to apply himself , coupled with the great skill he has , still makes him a great player in my view .
14 Finally , the gross overloading of the Crown Court , coupled with the great cost of criminal legal aid to the Exchequer , will probably bring about a further shift of criminal cases from the Crown Court to magistrates ' courts , which will involve a reduction in the number of cases in which barristers are engaged .
15 The generally-accepted explanation for welfare payment levels in the South is that they are , and have been , low because of : the relative poverty of the southern States , which would call for a high fiscal effort if payments equivalent to those made further north were to be offered to the larger number of poor there ; the electoral safety of the Democratic party with regard to the southern State legislatures and governorships , for over a century — sustained by discriminatory practices which prevented many blacks becoming registered voters despite their legal achievement of civil rights ; and the widespread belief among southern whites in the racial inferiority of blacks — who are the main recipients of welfare benefits coupled with the perceived work-disincentive effects of substantial payments and the encouragement to have even larger , and thus more dependent , families than they are believed to provide .
16 The slow rate of progression to metastasis coupled with the predictable behaviour of localised prostatic cancer provides a window in which the diagnosis can be made before the disease has spread , with a possible reduction in the morbidity and mortality .
17 Grand Prix chiefs are worried world champion Mansell 's impending departure , coupled with the possible loss of Brazilian star Ayrton Senna , will herald a dramatic slump in F1 .
18 The scientists warn that the lack of data on humans , the wide variety of potential genetic effects , coupled with the sheer number of genes involved ( 10 000 for each human sex cell ) make it impracticable to try and assess the impact of chemical mutagens beyond the most important mutations in the first six generations .
19 The most outrageously original vocals coupled with the living acid riff .
20 The design of the software coupled with the internal structuring of the database , define the interactions users can have with the database .
21 Their irrelevant experience , coupled with the impossible burdens of office , have contributed to thirty years of policy failure .
22 Unfortunately the date of this destruction , which may possibly be coupled with the similar fate of two nearby forts at Rudchester and Halton Chesters , is in dispute , and opinion is sharply divided over it ; the date falls into one of the most vexed periods in the history of the northern British frontier .
23 A bad reputation had resulted from years of unwieldy and sometimes inefficient management , coupled with the inherent un-reliability of the old wagonload system .
24 This imbalance might have initiated the aberrant breeding behaviour of the males , so that the violent and sometimes fatal courtship , coupled with the inhospitable climate of Aldabra helped to maintain the imbalance .
25 The size and complexity of the task coupled with the overall time-scale will to a large extent dictate frequency of formal reviews .
26 This argument was rejected and the patent was held to be valid as the many unsuccessful attempts by inventors to find a solution coupled with the immediate commercial success of the present invention denied the possibility of a finding of obviousness .
27 The period began quietly enough but the re-opening of the Deep Mine and those at Paddy End and elsewhere , and the erection of mills for the dressing of the ore , coupled with the gradual introduction of ever improved machinery , led to a little Industrial Revolution all of its own there in the Mines Valley .
28 The modern kite , coupled with the vast range of photographic equipment which is available , opens up the prospect of aerial snapshotting for anyone .
29 Much of the archaeological treasure house decayed , but its sheer scale , coupled with the preserving qualities of the warm dry climate , ensured that a consciousness survived , however much overlain by later political and cultural changes .
30 ‘ Downsizing , coupled with the current recession is not encouraging market investment , ’ says Carlo de Benedetti , who heads Olivetti , the Italian computer giant .
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