Example sentences of "competing with the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 To finance their more adventurous activities , banks would bid for investors ' money , competing with the other non-deposit-taking institutions which they increasingly resemble .
2 In preparation for this , the first decade of the regime was devoted to the development of the infrastructure , in particular the railways and canals , so that by 1860 France had reached a point where it was felt she was capable of competing with the greatest economic power of the age .
3 The governing body was concerned that setting up its own separate committee structure would not only be perceived as competing with the existing structure ( with all the attendant risks of a developing ‘ us and them ’ mentality where one rarely existed before ) , but would also be repetitive .
4 Without Nashwan , the chief British-trained challenger in the Arc will be Aliysa , who is competing with the recent winner of the Prix Vermeille , Young Mother , for favouritism .
5 Only Dottridge Brothers and Ingall , Parsons & Clive made any attempt at competing with the individual concerns .
6 Rare elegance would enhance the products from a London porcelain factory competing with the current fine ware from Germany .
7 In practice , this does not happen but the rationale for this policy in the context of trading funds is that , in competing with the private sector , the Treasury argues that the fund should be required to make charges that at least cover a normal commercial return on capital .
8 ‘ I gave it to them straight : competing with the best ai n't good enough when you 're capable of being the best . ’
9 With a string of achievements already to his credit , including the development of such diverse destinations as Dallan in China and Rostov-on-Don in Russia , the former chief executive of the Greater Glasgow Tourist Board hopes to see Derry move forward as a ‘ unified community capable of competing with the best in Europe ’ .
10 The first will be shipped out over the next few weeks to start competing with the conventional hydrofoils , Boeing Jetfoil and high-speed catamarans that vie for business on the 78 km route to Macau .
11 Nevertheless , two categories of influence role can be identified : * External influences , which can include : your company 's salespeople ; salespeople from competing suppliers ; journalists and professionals writing in trade and specialist journals ; individual representatives at trade shows and exhibitions ; influential individuals in companies competing with the potential purchaser 's company ; influential associates and people with significant reputations whose Opinions are listened to and adopted , perhaps in professional bodies such as engineering , Computing , marketing , ACCOUNTANCY , etc. * internal influences , which may of course include gatekeepers and users , described above .
12 There was one by the newsstand sometimes , scraping at a violin , but he had a tough time competing with the unofficial buskers who had loud guitars and stronger voices .
13 Locate in Scotland , the agency charged with luring foreign multinationals to set up in Scotland , is generally seen as competing with the Welsh Development Agency and the Irish Development Authority to secure these coveted new tenants .
14 Meanwhile , complaints about station 1OAB competing with the commercial stations continued to plague the Ottawa board , and shortly after our decision to carry on as before , the CRBC abruptly cancelled our license to broadcast and ruled Station 1OAB off the air by the end of the month .
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