Example sentences of "switched [adv] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 He switched on the strip lights behind the bottles , and the electric fire , and poured out two large glasses of whisky .
2 She swung her shapely legs inside and began talking as he switched on the ignition .
3 She sighed as she switched on the ignition and the Glory moved off .
4 When he switched on the ignition , he saw that the tank was more than three-quarters full .
5 He crept inconspicuously back to the dashboard , switched on the ignition , and looked at the gauge .
6 Then he turned from her abruptly , fastened his seatbelt , and switched on the ignition key .
7 He gave a terse nod and switched on the ignition .
8 WITH nearly 20 years of trouble-free driving behind me , I was relatively confident and assured when I switched on the ignition for my first lesson in advanced driving .
9 When the last violin and cello had disappeared the General switched on the desk light and settled down behind his tidy desk .
10 As soon as Mauer knew their destination he switched on the siren and within minutes they had reached Landstrasse , drawing to a halt opposite the Landerbank .
11 I apprehensively switched on the teletext … still 2–0 .
12 He switched on the recorder briefly to record any distant sounds which would add atmosphere to those of the approaching train and the distant whistle of the engine .
13 James leant forward and switched on the recorder .
14 I also switched on the echo-sounder and adjusted it to ‘ bleep ’ if we passed over any fish — such are the benefits of modern technology !
15 Then she switched on the indicator .
16 He switched on the powerhouse smile .
17 As he switched on the torchlight on the dashboard and began to study the Glory 's manual , Jack again thought of Tina 's angry reaction to the idea that the Ram and Shepherd names might be linked .
18 He switched on the refrigeration unit , and as it shivered into life the counter lights came on under the glass .
19 Pausing outside his living room door , he switched on the hall light and crouched down on his knees .
20 Floating down into the depths , she heard the kitchen door into the back garden close the very moment she switched on the hall light .
21 Leonora gave him a wavering smile as he switched on the hall light .
22 I thought about it for the prescribed two days , chanting , ‘ How do I get her to sign the form ? — How do I get her to sign the form ? ’ , then switched on the wireless in the middle of a biblical play about Moses and God 's voice boomed out of the speakers :
23 Ace switched on the spacewalk jets and launched herself through the widening yawn of the doors .
24 Cornelius switched on the heater .
25 Piercingly aware of his presence in the next room , her hand shook as she spooned coffee into the filter cup and switched on the machine .
26 Jenny dozed off and he switched on the autopilot .
27 Jane Pargeter stood up and switched on the standard lamp beside her chair , standing with her arms akimbo , self-contained yet vulnerable .
28 Irina drew the curtains and switched on the standard lamp beside Bill 's chair .
29 Resolutely , Sara switched on the passage light .
30 She slipped under the bedclothes and switched on the reading lamp , adamant that she would shove him to the furthest corner of her mind , but the minute she opened her book her brain started working again , throwing up images of him , the way he smiled , that confident knowing look in his eyes when he addressed her .
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