Example sentences of "owe [pron] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 You still owe me from the last time .
2 The offended looks of the muzzy black citoyen who is put in to own Salim 's store when trade is politicised are funny , and important , and owe nothing to the Aeneid .
3 But Araminta is given a curious grace of movement and a gift for surprising which , as they owe nothing to the intellect , must have been excessively difficult to achieve .
4 ‘ And I owe you for the taxi . ’
5 You must tell me what I owe you for the meal .
6 It 's the least I owe you in the circumstances .
7 They are perhaps owe something to the tabloid newspapers and colour supplements , as these have emerged in the post-war years , with their high illustrative content and minimal text .
8 It is possible that the character and appearance of Stephen Maturin owe something to the friendship between Captain M. in Marryat 's The King 's Own and the surgeon MacAllen , a dedicated amateur naturalist who used the ships on which he served as convenient repositories for live and dead specimens from their ports of call .
9 No doubt , repeated election victories under the leadership of Mr Hawke owe something to the disunity of Right-wing forces in Australia , but the fresh emphases in Labour thinking are also very significant .
10 ‘ You owe it to the community , ’
11 ‘ We owe it to the public that our games should be controlled with all the exactness that is possible . ’
12 We owe it to the city to maintain
13 ‘ We owe it to the Cowdray ground and to Lord Cowdray to walk off . ’
14 We owe it to the fans who have made all this possible . ’
15 I owe it to the supporters and the players .
16 ‘ At the very least we owe it to the families of the dead and the wives and children of the soldiers .
17 And he was saying , ‘ You owe it to the audience , you 've got to take that next step . ’
18 But I almost owe it to the reborn me not to take that kind of shit from any man again .
19 We owe it to the people of my own borough of Hillingdon , where only a week or so ago a teenager who had just stolen a car killed himself when he drove it into a tree at nearly 100 mph .
20 Det Chief Supt Ken John , co-ordinating the murder inquiry , said : ‘ We feel that we owe it to the gay community to go out to the community and warn individual practising homosexuals who are frequenting various pubs , restaurants and bars in London to be aware that somebody who is prepared to attack their community is about in the city .
21 We believe that farmers should take an increased interest now in these matters because the erm general public are concerned about the rising instance of pollution and I think that farmers owe it to the remainder of the community to come to places like Muck '89 and see for themselves exactly what new machinery is available to combat pollution .
22 And because this phrase has been much abused and misunderstood , it may be useful at this point to refer back to Erikson , to whom we owe it in the first place .
23 I think they might … they still owe us from the famous Wembley farce in the 70's .
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