Example sentences of "remaining [adj] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 It happened so fast and so drastically that I nearly slid after him , managing only instinctively to pivot on one foot and throw myself headlong back onto the boards still remaining solid behind the hole .
2 Overall , observers commented that the results indicated a breakdown in Nigeria 's regional divisions , with the NRC remaining strong in the north but also capturing most states in the south-east .
3 While remaining guarded about the exact type of operation Shadowfax is considering , the partners are currently looking at sites and expect to open the first one within the year .
4 ‘ I would like to have a profession behind me , ’ says Mhairi , who sees her golf remaining rooted in the amateur ranks .
5 But Carol is remaining discreet on the exact design .
6 Protected by the castle , a settlement grew up , apparently outside the bailey walls on the lower ground , with the modern market area seemingly remaining clear until the 16th century .
7 CHINA : Fan Xueyan , who spent a total of 28 years in prison for remaining faithful to the Vatican-loyal Catholic Church in China , died on 16 April 1992 , aged 85 .
8 He found himself hoping that the man would succeed in his plan to take a knot of followers remaining faithful to the Aten — if they existed — out to the deserts which , he had heard , extended to the east of the Great Green , and form an outpost of the new religion there .
9 Is it the hero of the story bent on remaining ignorant of the castrato hidden beneath the woman ?
10 The Hermetic axiom ‘ as above — so below ’ is again apparent in the discussion of innumerable phenomena which differ only in aspect , size and proportion , their nature remaining consistent with the workings of the universal scheme of creation .
11 Unfortunately , its formation can cause problems , the solids sometimes remaining unpumpable on the bottom of the tank .
12 Almost every Council meeting has debated in some way how the profession can face the economic realities of the 1990s while remaining constant to the need to serve law and justice .
13 The proportion of the land supply remaining undeveloped at the end of the five year period will then be available in the following five year period .
14 But the fight did not prevent the fundamental beliefs in the nation and ‘ the historic integrity of the island of Ireland ’ , as nationalist parties described it in their New Ireland Forum ( 1983 — 4 : i. 28 ) , from remaining basic to the perceptions of both parties .
15 They include working as an individual , joining in group efforts , leading teams while remaining involved in the action , directing from afar what is to be done and how , coordinating , coaching and harnessing others ' talents to specified ends .
16 So the , the children in a sense remained children longer in the mixed ability situation , and again this was something that the teachers found , found very pleasing , in that the , the pupils were remaining involved in the school much more and much longer .
17 And in the mixed ability situation this certainly did not happen in the same way , so the children in a sense remained children longer in the mixed ability situation , and again this was something that the teachers found very pleasing in that the pupils were remaining involved in the school much more and much longer in a mixed ability situation .
18 Since that time , BRAC has grown into a country-wide development organisation , remaining independent of the government , and striving to improve the quality of life for the people of Bangladesh .
19 So , by staying alive until that date , you can look forward to a substantial return on your investment — while remaining safe in the knowledge that , in the event of your death during that period , or subsequently , your family will be protected against any financial problems that might lie ahead .
20 Kuwait was thought to have made a major financial grant to the new Iraqi regime as an incentive to improve relations , which , whilst remaining peaceful during the 1960s , were nevertheless marred by a dispute centring on Iraq 's interest in Bubiyan and Warba .
21 From the polished strains of ‘ Lullaby ’ to the lop-sided rumble of ‘ Never Enough ’ , ‘ Mixed Up ’ simply emphasises The Cure 's innate playfulness — their ability to effortlessly drift in and out of genres while remaining indifferent to the whims of the outside world .
22 From the polished strains of ‘ Lullaby ’ to the lop-sided rumble of ‘ Never Enough ’ , ‘ Mixed Up ’ simply emphasises The Cure 's innate playfulness — their ability to effortlessly drift in and out of genres while remaining indifferent to the whims of the outside world .
23 It is also seen as significant in the Davies camp that Neil Kinnock , the party leader , is remaining neutral in the contest .
24 This approach gives primacy to facts , to evidence and to sources , so that the line between knowledge and speculation remains clear : it values imagination but tends to marginalize whatever seems fanciful or eccentric ; it is deeply wary of any popularizing impulse while remaining committed to the broadest possible dissemination of its characteristic ideas and enthusiasms .
25 Perhaps he did not touch her very deeply but he did not shock her either , her body moving easily , without apprehension , beneath his ; her mind remaining open to the possibility of sensation , observing his pleasure with affection — glad that he should have it — yet wondering more and more frequently if a similar capacity for such joyful sensuality lay concealed somewhere within herself .
26 Competition Every competitor within 20 minutes of walking time was visited , and we can report that lunchtime trade was good to excellent , and that those restaurants remaining open in the evening were well patronized .
27 There were 11,978 unemployed claimants and 32 jobcentre vacancies remaining unfilled in the Holloway area in December 1991 , on the unadjusted basis .
28 In his April review AB , while remaining loyal to the Walter and Klemperer versions , summed it up as ‘ the most compelling and most spontaneous of performances recorded in the past few years , and I shall want it by my for the sheer beauty of the sound , often in that respect surpassing any other version ’ .
29 But ministers were remaining tight-lipped about the reports , which , if true , would probably not satisfy Tory rebels and the package would be unlikely to get through the Commons .
30 The trauma underlying religion , which has been for long periods of time forgotten , remaining latent in the unconscious , was also a mixture of sexuality and aggression .
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