Example sentences of "ensure that [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 They ensure that certain principles are applied uniformly throughout the Community , and give the Commission a legal basis on which to ensure compliance with these principles by the Member States .
2 All the more important , then , to stand protected from the like and ensure that all things — not excluding alcohol — conspire to bear visible witness to that ruddy hue sported by the English living in the Tropics . ’
3 Also ensure that all switches , sockets and plugs are cleaned regularly with a lubricating cleaner such as Electrolube .
4 We believe that the children of all lone parents can best be helped by po policies which support their commitment to their family and their children and pathways out of poverty should be built which ensure that all families living in poverty have the chance to change their situation .
5 In its full-page and horrendously expensive advertisements in the national press , and now ( the latest manifestation ) in a booklet with a cover that at only a few metres distance looks like gold-tooled morocco , it comes perilously close to transgressing those rules of the Advertising Standards Authority that ensure that all ads are honest , fair , accurate , unimpeachable and altogether above reproach .
6 A standard form of agreement is set out in Appendix I. The essential elements of a confidentiality agreement are an acknowledgment by the purchaser that : ( a ) the existence of the negotiations and all information received relating to the vendor 's business is confidential ; ( b ) the purchaser will maintain the confidentiality and ensure that all persons receiving the information maintain the confidentiality ; ( c ) the purchaser will only use information for assessing its acquisition of the business and for no other purpose ; ( d ) the purchaser will return all the information and either return or destroy all copies if the transaction does not complete .
7 A range of genres ensure that all students will find some titles to their taste , whether it be science fiction , horror stories , whodunnits , stories of well-known films , or classics .
8 head teachers ensure that all heads of department have clear job specifications
9 But I also said that provided we put the effort in and ensure that all aspects of our business are in good order , we will see the benefits shine through .
10 Having clearly sorted out most of their substantial differences , these two must now return to the multi-party negotiations and ensure that all voices are heard and taken into account .
11 Ensure that all objectives can be met by the programme provided .
12 ensure that all items reach the agenda maker at least half way between one meeting and the next
13 Safeguards should be available to protect individual investors and ensure that all parties to a takeover are treated equally .
14 The context of speech-making and the techniques and conventions that have been developed ensure that many sides of a case are put at the same time as maintaining the proprieties due to different statuses .
15 Would not it be easy to accede to the commissioner 's request to change the three points in the regulation which the Commission says are defective and deal with Crown immune areas , reduce the latitude given to authorities and ensure that environmental assessments are recorded in writing so that we have proper regulations and proper environmental impact assessments ?
16 Will the Secretary of State ensure that his Department backs up his promises to the business community and ensure that such disincentives to the business community coming forward are not allowed to continue ?
17 Initials in the appropriate approvals section ensure that such additions have been properly authorized and advised to the cost accountant .
18 Initials in the appropriate approvals section ensure that such additions have been properly authorized and advised to the cost accountant .
19 a ) Ensure that appropriate signs are used .
20 In other words , how does one determine which views are ‘ significant ’ and also ensure that these views are represented ?
21 The Elton Committee recommended that the head teacher should take the lead in defining the aims of the school in relation to standards of behaviour , create the conditions for establishing the widest possible measure of agreement on these standards and how they will be achieved , and ensure that these standards are consistently applied throughout the school .
22 Prices ensure that both industries are in equilibrium .
23 If you choose to bury the pipe , please ensure that both ends are above the surface of the gravel , or the eel will wreak havoc with your decor .
24 The subtleties of shape that ensure that both halves of the tongs fit together and work , may only be apparent to the smith .
25 For instance , the body has many reserve capacities which ensure that vital functions can continue even when an organ is injured or diseased : there is more lung tissue than is normally required , there is reserve liver tissue , there are two kidneys , eyes and ears .
26 We shall remove tax distortions , require in-house services to be clearly costed and accounted for , and ensure that one-off costs are appraised over a realistic period .
27 Although supplementary pensions and allowances ensure that basic needs are met , those who are entirely dependent upon them certainly suffer some degree of hardship compared with the standard of living of the majority of citizens , and strenuous efforts are being made to raise the level of the government 's ‘ guaranteed income ’ .
28 We will continue ‘ Right to Buy ’ discounts , and ensure that local authorities respond reasonably and rapidly to applications .
29 ‘ We welcome its recommendation that the government should undertake an extensive programme of monitoring ‘ ton ensure that local authorities have the necessary resources to fulfil their new responsibilities ’ .
30 In Britain , waiting times for being seen in an outpatient clinic , followed by those for surgery , ensure that most children have waited a considerable time before grommet insertion , adenoidectomy , or a combination can be performed .
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