Example sentences of "transformed into a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The claim that with his coming God was inaugurating his rule on earth laid him open to a charge of blasphemy , which was without difficulty transformed into a plea to the prefect Pontius Pilate that Jesus was instigating sedition .
2 One of the people to mastermind the jeans clad mechanic transformed into a sex symbol was the Sydney fashion guru .
3 ‘ In the eighteenth century the city was transformed into a resort for English high society — being particularly associated , of course , with the name of Beau Nash , the great dandy and gamester who lived here during the 1740s and 50s .
4 A walk down the Munstergasse to the flomanesque cathedral consecrated in 1103 takes you past a treasury of old houses , their oriels jealously preserved , and brings you to the shapely cloister archways of the former zu Allerheigen ( All Saints ) monastery , now transformed into a museum which is one of the most important in north Switzerland .
5 When a polymer is transformed into a melt without degradation and is stable at even higher temperatures , η is observed to decrease rapidly as the temperature increases .
6 If political groups and parties atrophy into a façade behind which there hides nothing but the power struggles of bureaucrats in the party apparatus , then a pluralist , democratic society will be transformed into a mass of isolated individuals whose political thinking is uniformly directed by the mass media …
7 After serving as US permanent representative at the UN , Young had spent two terms as mayor of Atlanta , an eight-year period during which the city had been transformed into a magnet for domestic and foreign investment and had become a symbol of the " New South " .
8 The scene was transformed into a wilderness of dazzling white .
9 Some people take furniture to her that they do n't like or are tired of and want transformed into a work of art ; she optimistically feels that no piece of furniture is totally without hope .
10 Grandson was rewarded by Edward with extensive land grants in England , especially in Kent , and also in Ireland , and in 1275 with the wardenship of the Channel Islands , later transformed into a life grant .
11 A smaller room upstairs is transformed into a dance cave with more netting , and bubble slides and projected film stills add psychedelic kitsch .
12 I felt transformed into a person who was incapable of doing anything base or unloving . ’
13 Llangoed Castle , in Wales , which the owner had been determined to demolish , has just been transformed into a hotel by Sir Bernard Ashley , husband of Laura .
14 Apartments No.3 and No.4 detailed below have access from the main hall of the villa now transformed into a games room with billiard and card tables .
15 Al Pacino as Big Boy Caprice , Tracy 's arch enemy , has been transformed into a hunchback dwarf .
16 They grew with his reading of Frazer who described the ‘ Burnt Land of Lydia ’ contrasting with the surrounding verdure and marvelled ( in the conclusion of The Dying God ) at ‘ what may be called the Australian spring ’ where ‘ the sandy and stony wilderness , over which the silence and desolation of death appear to brood , is suddenly , after a few days of torrential rain , transformed into a landscape smiling with verdure ’ .
17 If America 's ‘ trade ’ balance is measured on the basis of nationality of ownership rather than residency ( ie , adding the sales , net of local purchases , of overseas subsidiaries to the recorded trade balance and deducting all intra-firm flows to avoid double counting ) , then in 1986 America 's recorded visible-trade deficit of $144 billion is transformed into a $57 billion surplus .
18 The Hotel Manila has now been transformed into a Ramada Renaissance Hotel , with correspondingly high prices , so I prefer to stay at the Hotel Gaudi , still unspoilt , which has the advantage of being right opposite the enchanting Theatre Museum .
19 On July 14 Strasser announced that the NPRC would become the Supreme Council of State ( SCS ) and that the Cabinet would be transformed into a Council of State Secretaries which would be in charge of " day to day administration " and would be directly responsible to the SCS .
20 AN old Darlington building and car park could be transformed into a nursery or a church .
21 That of Aaron which , transformed into a serpent , swallowed the rods , similarly transformed , of Pharaoh 's wise men and sorcerers .
22 The story , basically , is about an aged emperor who divides his kingdom equally between his elder , nasty , daughter , Princess Epine , and her young , innocent half-sister , Princess Rose , thus incurring the wrath of Epine and requiring Rose to journey through a twilit world to find , with the help of the court Fool , her Prince who has been transformed into a salamander .
23 And yes , being transformed into a witch can be a therapeutic experience .
24 An old , glazed porcelain sink can be transformed into a water garden by coating it with an artificial stone mixture .
25 Whatever the origin of the revolt , by early 1183 it had been transformed into a struggle to make him Duke of Aquitaine in place of the " tyrannical " Richard .
26 Over the generations , it has been transformed into a kind of set pudding with a rather tart flavour and honeycomb-like texture .
27 In less than a week the impeccable Rochester had been transformed into a kind of boarding-house .
28 Outside and in , the rock face has been transformed into a quarry for giant busts .
29 Some of the more sinister weapons advertised in the catalogue include a hair brush that can be transformed into a knife ; a pen that conceals a dagger ; and manuals that explain how to make bombs out of household items .
30 When London Transport took over and 19E was transformed into a snow broom , the welding car was moved to West Ham depôt to replace one of their two works cars .
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