Example sentences of "enabled he [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 When Margie had mentioned his association with Greg Martin , the financier who had made him the loan which had set him up in a small showroom and enabled him to move the sewing machines out of the living room and into a work room , Hugo became not so much evasive as totally silent .
2 Certainly he believed that his inner feeling of being most alive , most engaged with real issues , in his contemplative experience , was a gift from God and that his whole integrity depended on his furthering a life-style which he believed enabled him to receive the gift , however strong the opposition he encountered : Above all else I have always longed to sit and concentrate on Christ , and him alone …
3 Furthermore , the window of his college bedroom was cherished in his memory because it enabled him to see the Antechapel of Trinity College ,
4 It enabled him to ask the bluntest of questions in the politest of tones and to disguise his opinion behind the blandest of smiles .
5 Picturesque asymmetry appealed to him because it enabled him to allow the logical sequence of the rooms and considerations of service and privacy to determine the entire plan from of the house without any unnecessary duplication of accommodation .
6 Joyce 's services to the cause were recognised by a paid appointment as West London Area Administrative Officer of the BUF , which enabled him to leave the Victoria Tutorial College and abandon his PhD thesis at King 's .
7 His business background enabled him to guide the health authority through some of the biggest changes in the NHS since its inception .
8 For instance , it enabled him to use the very struggle for a subject , which had occupied so much of his line , since we can partly see that struggle as a struggle within Milton over his own humanist heritage .
9 I enabled him to free the angel and the demon that he is on the inside .
10 Nicholas 's experience abroad enabled him to assist the Company in many ways , such as in starting the cultivation of vines and the silk industry , and in sending out skilled artisans from Germany .
11 Jesus practised levitation when he walked on water ( Mark 6:45f ) and Elisha 's clairaudience enabled him to overhear the enemy 's tactical talks before battle ( 2 Kings 6:8–12 ) .
12 The same tenacious vanity which enabled him to survive the next nine years of penury wrecked his chances of succeeding as a writer .
13 Lapworth was passionate in his search for truth and exactness in the solution of geological problems , and diplomatic in his presentation , gifts which enabled him to propose the accepted solution to a famous controversy .
14 He was never a precise golfer in the mould of Hogan , but his magnificent tactical management enabled him to calculate the exact odds in moments of high tension .
15 Then Nomadic Way brought the stamina which enabled him to win the Cesarewitch two years ago into play and finishing well up that final testing hill , he failed by only a head to catch Cruising Altitude .
16 Douglas affected a dispatch box pose which enabled him to deliver the juicier bits of the legal volte- face to a point in the mid-distance somewhere above the Opposition gallery .
17 England 's Jamie Spence and David Gilford contrived to lead the British assault on this £62,500 title at the halfway stage , but Montgomerie is now back among the infantry after a second-round 77 that enabled him to beat the halfway cut by just one stroke .
18 The peculiar quality of Tamm 's work was that he recorded individual plants , shoots or rosettes , within his populations and this enabled him to follow the fates of individual plant units ( often tillers or ramets ) rather than to study the grosser vegetational change that was the aim of many others who set up permanent quadrats .
19 Pillai 's insistence on specialising in commercial affairs enabled him to avoid the sort of tough political decisions — such as suppressing Congress — which the generalists in provincial postings were forced to implement .
20 A photographic memory enabled him to avoid the obvious suspicions which Special Branch officers noting the proceedings obviously fell under at such meetings .
21 These principles enabled him to develop the BBC as an instrument for the achievement of excellence and for the delivery of the ‘ best of everything ’ .
22 ‘ The accident might have been avoided if he had adopted an approach which enabled him to keep the crane in sight .
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