Example sentences of "arriving at [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 With a lot at stake for both sides the game began at a frantic pace with a goal arriving at each end in the first ten minutes .
2 It may be generally true that the natural language use which constitutes the goal of learning is realized by a focus on meaning rather than form , and is a matter of top-down rather than bottom-up processing , but the process of arriving at that goal , the development of the authenticating ability , calls for an effective internalization of form and capability of analysis which will allow for their use across a wide and unpredictable range of different contexts .
3 Could you explain for the record what your reasons were for arriving at that conclusion ?
4 When you work out the probability of arriving at that point .
5 Having completed its analysis , the institution should then be required to publish a judgment of the matter under consideration , together with a statement of its arguments in arriving at that judgment .
6 PUPILS are arriving at All Hallows Catholic High School , Macclesfield , with bags laden with toothpaste , soap and disinfectant .
7 Within six hours of the short film arriving at Twentieth Century-Fox 's studios in America , Crawford received a telephone call to say he had the part .
8 The mechanisms by which political elites can be held responsive to majority views in systems of representative government were further explored in Joseph Schumpeter 's Capitalism , Socialism and Democracy ( 1944 ) , which defined democracy as ‘ an institutional arrangement for arriving at political decisions in which individuals acquire the power to decide by means of a competitive struggle for the people 's vote ’ .
9 That institutional arrangement for arriving at political decisions in which individuals acquire the power to decide by means of a competitive struggle for the people 's vote .
10 Thus we arrive , via the epithet ‘ Democracy is the rule of the politician ’ to a complete formal definition : ‘ The democratic method is that institutional arrangement for arriving at political decisions in which individuals acquire the power to decide by means of a competitive struggle for the people 's vote ’ .
11 21 ) who explicitly rejected the ‘ classical doctrine ’ of democracy , according to which it embodies distinctive ideals concerning participation in political life and the relationship between political leaders and the people , and replaced it by another theory of democracy as ‘ competition for political leadership ’ : ‘ the democratic method is that institutional arrangement for arriving at political decisions in which individuals acquire the power to decide by means of a competitive struggle for the people 's vote ’ ( p. 269 ) .
12 Schumpeter advocates it and describes it as being ‘ that institutional arrangement for arriving at political decisions in which individuals acquire the power to decide by means of a competitive struggle for the people 's vote . ’
13 A second and commodious objection to the view of nomic connection which has been set out was anticipated earlier ( 1.3 ) , and may be shored up a bit by the fact lately mentioned , that science broadly speaking is not much engaged in arriving at complete descriptions of causal circumstances-causal circumstances as we have conceived them .
14 We may imagine a measure of disappointment when these requests were vetoed by the committee , and it is clear that some re-education of staff must have been necessary in arriving at appropriate submissions .
15 There are countless individual stories encapsulated in the photographs of migrant workers arriving at Continental stations or commuters pouring into the London termini , of the Jews being herded on to trains headed for the death-camps , or of armies departing for half a dozen different wars — the brave , cheerful , youthful faces of a nation 's young men heading off for the rendezvous with destiny .
16 Secondly , the process of arriving at consensual objectives meant that they represented ‘ the least-common-denominator ’ .
17 The fact that changes are being contemplated might illustrate to the directors of RWC the folly of arriving at such arrangements in cabals rather than conducting open draws — which are more exciting and include seeding to prevent geographical or quality imbalances .
18 The system of capital allowances is the system of depreciation permitted by the Inland Revenue in arriving at taxable earnings .
19 James argued here that abstract rules provide us with only limited assistance in arriving at moral decisions because ‘ every real dilemma is in literal strictness a unique situation ’ .
20 A sergeant with a large area to cover and under the necessity of visiting each constable , which visits have to be duly recorded , becomes testy if one or two of those under his charge are late arriving at certain points on their beats .
21 Ibn Battuta describes arriving at this place through a succession of now-vanished gates and courtyards , each surrounded by cohorts of trumpeters and guards .
22 The construction is , of course , that of the ordinary attributive adjective , the adjective which is the exponent in observable syntax of the subordinate property in the intensional structure : The essentials of the notation , for any who have taken the option of arriving at this point direct from the beginning of Section 1.2 , are as follows : The basic elements in constructing linguistic expressions are assumed to be two : E = entity notion ; and P = property notion The basic relations have these symbols : = = equation ; = qualification = assignment The direction of the arrow and the arrowhead indicates which is the major and which the subordinate item in the formula ; it does not refer to order of appearance in surface form .
23 I remember arriving at public school , and we were ushered into the housemaster 's study , and he said , ‘ Well , sex is a thorny subject .
24 Nonetheless , the fact remains that even this frog is dependent upon rains arriving at some time and its active life is , in reality , condensed to that brief moment when the desert is wet .
25 arriving at sound principles of organisation structure .
26 Tune up for the regatta , arriving at beautiful Gümüslük after a brisk beat against a force 6 .
27 The effect of this method of arriving at desirable proportions between the categories is to introduce a controlled bias in favour of the smaller interest categories .
28 Belief in its importance is in fact a consequence of the recognition that people , including priests , are fallible , so that the right to challenge their views is a necessary condition of arriving at valid opinions .
29 Involving affected groups of people in creative problem solving can be very effective , both in arriving at novel solutions and in gaining their commitment and understanding for the changes .
30 In surveys we found that the fear levels of both broilers and hens arriving at commercial slaughterhouses were extremely high .
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