Example sentences of "regardless of the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 This was originally discovered in birds , where seed-eaters were seen to switch from one type of seed to another from time to time , regardless of the nutritional similarity of the seeds .
2 Camille Aryeetey , buyer at WADE SMITH in Mathew Street , says Versace and Ozbek numbers are being snapped up regardless of the three-figure price tags .
3 Some institutions like the World Bank employed many economics ‘ experts ’ who were thoroughly sympathetic to the claims made for the efficiency of planned economies , regardless of the empirical evidence .
4 In the latter case , regardless of the overall solvency of the judgment debtor , bankruptcy proceedings were initiated , and his whole property sold up ( bonorum venditio ) .
5 It should be noted that these findings run contrary to the belief according to which : " In countries with reliable vital statistics , neonatal and infant mortality are known to vary according to the mother 's age , regardless of the overall level of infant mortality . "
6 However , regardless of the fictional character of the claim to a common ancestor , the concept had and continues to have a powerful hold on people 's perceptions .
7 In their most recent study they compared these distant from the tumour with those from histologically normal samples taken within a 1 cm radius of the tumour and founr that regardless of the colonic segment being considered , the proliferative activity in tumour adjacent tissues was generally dampened with respect to that of the more distant specimens .
8 Regardless of the wide use of acupuncture and BEM , hard-nosed sceptics still insist that such methods are entirely placebo oriented , in as much as the patient 's belief that they work effects the cure .
9 In telephone and face-to-face selling standard sales pitches are used , regardless of the specific needs of the customer .
10 Thus , the loss of [ h ] could be associated with the contact situation in general , regardless of the specific properties of the contact languages .
11 But it seems that , regardless of the wider implications of the dispute ( it has been bracketed with refusals of voluntary aided status in its impact on religious and cultural autonomy ) , the issue was essentially one of parental choice rather than religion per se .
12 Many other European countries , regardless of the political complexion of their governments , are reforming health care along internal-market lines ( see page 30 ) .
13 Regardless of the political changes , she says , Russian ballet will not change until Moscow critics become honest and the West 's great choreographers are welcomed in .
14 In Lebanon there can be no prospect of the refugees accepting permanent settlement , regardless of the political circumstances .
15 In every single state , regardless of the political party in power , the police , army and paramilitary forces use torture as a matter of daily routine .
16 Regardless of the general press of humanity , a funeral procession was attempting to pass down it from the other end .
17 It would be safe — defeating for Europe to pursue industrial growth regardless of the environmental consequences .
18 The floating of the pound in 1972 symbolized this turnaround in favour of sustaining expansion regardless of the inflationary cost .
19 We also told him that , as a matter of policy , regardless of the legal situation , we certainly would n't be prepared to offer the painting for sale unless it had first been offered to the museum to see whether it would be possible for them to re-acquire it .
20 She would put all her energies into her work , and try to forge ahead regardless of the emotional upheaval that was erupting inside her .
21 If he wants to import vehicles or components from Taiwan or Singapore or Hong Kong into Europe , he 'll go ahead and do it , regardless of the economic consequences for the European countries concerned .
22 Needs for Personal Social Services for children are assumed to be predominantly determined by being in a lone-parent family , regardless of the economic circumstances of the family .
23 They were : symbolism — expressing an ideological position regardless of the economic value of the charge itself ; abuse — to reduce the cost of a service to the general taxpayer by raising the revenue from users ; deterrence — to reduce the cost to the taxpayer by reducing demand for a service ; priorities — to concentrate available funds on priority services and charge for less urgent facilities .
24 ‘ I have emotional ties to it exactly as it is regardless of the extra voters . ’
25 Under this system , health care providers are reimbursed at a predetermined price for each defined unit of workload , regardless of the actual cost involved in providing that unit of workload .
26 There are certain obvious differences between the first two models , the most significant being the basis of their construction , ie the first is demand driven , relies on an accurate assessment of costs , and is not concerned with financial constraints ; the second is constrained at the outset by the finance that is available , restricting resource levels regardless of the actual needs of Colleges .
27 For anyone seriously looking at the desktop publishing market it is vital that you have a clear understanding of what you want to do with the technology , regardless of the actual hardware or software .
28 It took the view that the upper limit is arbitrary , and might operate unfairly , since a person just above the limit receives no assistance , whereas a person just below it might have to make a substantial contribution but would have the security of knowing that that contribution represents the maximum liability for costs regardless of the actual cost or the outcome of the case .
29 Under this system , health care providers are reimbursed at a predetermined price for each defined unit of workload , regardless of the actual cost involved in providing that unit of workload .
30 H to track the highest ( latest ) versions of sub-packages regardless of the actual version number specified in the module relationships .
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