Example sentences of "break [adv prt] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 This means that even if there were events before the big bang , one could not use them to determine what would happen afterward , because predictability would break down at the big bang .
2 However , they will break down at the end of the black hole 's life when its mass gets very small .
3 But a bowler who does not break down at the end of every other over and who can finish each season with an average around the 25 mark would be worth his weight in gold now .
4 Once the planting has been done , cover the soil with a thick mulch of crushed bark , peat or leaf mould , which will gradually break down into the soil and help to improve its texture .
5 If standard steps are followed on each occasion , it should be easier to prevent mistakes occurring and ensure that the terms are incorporated into all contracts ; in addition , if the normal procedures do break down on a particular occasion , it may be possible to rely on the previous course of dealing .
6 The generally cooperative partnership between the local states and the developers did break down over the distribution of investment profits from central shopping development .
7 Initially , the new system would break down as a result of faults in the computer programs .
8 Uneaten food , and anything once living that dies or lies in the tank will break down in a similar fashion .
9 That the original Phillips curve did break down in the late 1960s is clearly illustrated in Fig. 6.3 where the curve estimated by Phillips is shown together with the observed combination of the unemployment percentage and the rate of wage inflation from 1966 to 1985 .
10 Some of these phases may dissolve and the coatings will break down by a combination of solution and particle attrition as less soluble particles break free and migrate into the body .
11 This effectively risks a breakdown in the Co-operative Principle ( CP ) , though the CP can only really break down by a reader stopping reading .
12 The Bill does nothing to increase the powers of the courts if order should break down inside a prison , although it touches in a new way on some of the matters relating to aiding and abetting an escape outside a prison .
13 ‘ They would break in in a trice , while you were putting fresh shot in your fowling gun , and cut us into mincemeat .
14 By 1928 Vidor was almost a cult figure amongst movie intellectuals and when he was in Europe in that year all those who hoped for better things listened with interest as he pointed out that independent film-makers and the ‘ little theatre movement ’ would never compete with Hollywood and would never break through to the large undeveloped market unless they attracted sufficient investment to improve their product .
15 The Somme dragged on through July , a futile and terrible battle of attrition that cost hundreds of thousands of lives , through Aubers Ridge , Delville Wood , where the Cameronians had a section of trench they called Buchanan Street , and into a dreadful September , when Haig decided to try and break through on the Somme with a secret weapon , the tank .
16 But , and I 'm not promising , the sun might break through in a few favoured spots .
17 Indeed it was a very misty and cloudy start , but the sun did break through in the west , the east getting some rain as well as the grey stuff .
18 Bristleworms of all sizes should always be handled with forceps ; those fluffy white spines can break off in the fishkeeper 's skin .
19 Therefore it seems to me that the communist party really has to disappear , it 's a good thing that it 's own general secretary has disbanded it , I anticipate that it will break up into a number of political parties , perhaps one kind of social democratic party on the left and another , if you like a kind of Russian unionist party , on the right , erm , but as the communist party it 's simply incompatible with the emergence of democracy in the Soviet Union .
20 We do n't break up till the twenty eighth .
21 When less fluid lavas are involved , which do n't break up into droplets , large gobbets of the molten rock are flung up from the vent , spreading out into irregular plates which may break up in the air into smaller bits .
22 No doubt if I can not break out of the convention of thinking as though I were a detached Ego contemplating unmoved both the possible consequences and my fear of them , it will seem that I can have no reason to stop smoking unless I recognize some further imperative such as ‘ Take care of your health ’ .
23 However , most of us now admit that reason unassisted by observation can never break out of the closed circle of logic and mathematics .
24 ‘ If man can not create anything or move anybody , if he can not break out of the prison of his total narcissism and isolation , he can escape the unbearable sense of vital impotence and nothingness only by affirming himself in the act of destruction of the life that he is unable to create .
25 With Skinny Puppy signed to a major , it looks like they could soon break out of the cult ghetto .
26 With Skinny Puppy signed to a major , it looks like they could soon break out of the cult ghetto .
27 If the girl avoids becoming trapped , through an unwanted pregnancy , into an unsatisfactory lifestyle with an unsupportive or absent marital partner , she may still break out of the adverse chain of events .
28 He can break out of the space of desperation .
29 In our discussion of the constitution we shall break out into a critical , historical , and political approach .
30 The fire did not break out in a deserted building in the middle of nowhere in the wee small hours of the morning .
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