Example sentences of "safely [verb] that the " in BNC.

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1 Now for some good news to dispel the gloom ; once the Sun enters Scorpio on October 23 , you can relax and safely say that the remainder of this year will be plain sailing and relatively carefree .
2 I think we can safely assume that the statuette was washed and wiped clean after the event . ’
3 Besides , while the financial implications of the defeat by England have never been revealed , one can safely assume that the loss has deprived the French players of a fair amount of endorsements and sponsorship .
4 By 1992 the Treasury could safely claim that the UK 's top rate of income tax at 40% was below that of its major competitors , as can be seen from Fig. 16.6 .
5 When newspapers start to report falls in Labour 's opinion-poll lead to 15% as a setback and Conservatives claim as a triumph Labour 's best-ever local-government result , we can safely conclude that the political landscape in Britain has changed .
6 It can be safely assumed that the overwhelming majority of Mambo Leo and Mwangaza readers were pro-TANU , in view of the size of the electoral victories in 1958 , when that party was supported by sixty-seven per cent of an electorate in which Asians and Europeans were disproportionately highly represented .
7 As Lord Wilberforce said in Suisse Atlantique : One may safely say that the parties can not in a contract have contemplated that the clause should have so wide an ambit as in effect to deprive one party 's stipulations of all contractual force : to do so would be to reduce the contract to a mere declaration of intent .
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