Example sentences of "listened to the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Other girls at Group included ‘ Jolly Molly ’ — plump and good-natured ; Harriet , who was trying to improve her mind and always listened to the afternoon plays on BBC radio ( relayed to each hut over the Tannoy system ) ; Veronique , who was stage-mad and had a friend in the current London production of Lady Windermere 's Fan , and dough-faced Olive ( more about her a bit further on ) .
2 She listened to the stories of small triumphs brought back from the dances .
3 But as I listened to the stories of these prisoners it was difficult not to be overwhelmed with feelings of hate and revenge .
4 I braced myself against the sides of the trench and listened to the explosions and the debris landing on the roof .
5 She listened to the way he spoke and began imitating his careful diction , and her natural grace was an asset when she walked at his side .
6 They sat around the fire , letting the horses graze freely with Rimir and Darmid to look after them , and listened to the birds that sang in the reeds thronging the riverbank .
7 I listened to the birds singing and watched a curl of grey-blue smoke rising into the sky from the station 's brick chimney , and winter and the war seemed unbelievable .
8 In silence , Buzz listened to the nurse 's non-stop starling twitter .
9 He listened to the pleadings .
10 We listened to the soundtrack through the back wall of the cinema , separated from each other by plates filmed in olive oil with pools of tomato juice , and half finished wine .
11 and listened to the noise of rubber soles
12 I never really listened to The Beatles and looked out for the guitar , I 'd just listen to the song as a whole .
13 They listened to the Beatles on Miranda 's new stereo ; the magical mystery of ‘ Strawberry Fields Forever ’ reminded her of her grandmother , so lonely , isolated , and unreachable in the prison of her own head .
14 She listened to the Beatles on the radio ; it could only be to annoy Ken .
15 Bjaaland listened to the winter wind outside .
16 she noticed every moment with Lucy , pictured her , listened to the memory of her voice .
17 And though they tried not to be sad as she had asked , many were in tears as they listened to the reading Kelly had chosen .
18 In the Kensington exchange a group of Telecom engineers and police officers stared at the monitors and listened to the rage coming down the line ; at Cork Street , beneath the pavements of smart Mayfair , four men from MI5 were rooted in their chairs , motionless as the anger poured out of the speaker into the room and the tape-deck wound silently round and round .
19 The point that I want to reiterate here , before extending this concept of structure theoretically , is that in the drama process the surface meaning of the event , the meaning which in fact would play a large part if we were to tell it as a story — ‘ And the townsfolk listened to the Government representative and they had to come to a decision ’ — may not provide the required game structure .
20 He listened to the door downstairs close and slipped out of bed to look through the window .
21 Peace immediately sent the news ratings down by one-third , but the pulling power of radio in its heyday is shown in the fact that 45 per cent of the people listened to the half-hour general election speeches in the 1945 campaign — feats of concentration ( however imperfect ) inconceivable in 1990 .
22 I listened to the Minister 's words with interest .
23 Culley reeled the tape back a little and listened to the question again .
24 She listened to the breathing which , though stertorous was regular and , she judged , healthy .
25 And listened to the tumult down below ,
26 And we listened to the breath-
27 I joined a party to climb down the great west cliffs to the boulder scree of Carn Mør , where we stayed until darkness fell and listened to the calls of Manx shearwater , Leach 's and storm petrels as they came in from the ocean to feed their young , hidden deep under the boulders .
28 Charlie listened to the chaplain intone the words , ‘ Ashes to ashes , dust to dust ’ , before the last post was played yet again .
29 Having ordered a seafood salad , she sipped a glass of dry white wine and listened to the orchestra playing Neapolitan love-songs while the sun set and the lanterns came on , glowing a weird purple in the warm blue dusk .
30 Pascoe felt the cold beer fill his mouth and listened to the landlord 's radio distantly above playing ‘ White Christmas ’ .
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