Example sentences of "enter into a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 There is a kind of mystical , powerful writing which does not simply evoke the spirit of place in order to determine action but seeks to converse with it , enter into a dialogue with all that has gone before .
2 In the popular health system , on the other hand , the primary health care workers ( brigadistas ) anticipate some of these issues and enter into a dialogue both with the mother and the community as a whole .
3 Vendors may also , against the advice of their agents , enter into a contract race , where the first purchaser to sign the contract secures the land .
4 unless renewed the authority hereby conferred shall expire fifteen months after the passing of this Resolution or at the conclusion of the next Annual General Meeting of the Company whichever is the earlier save that the Company may , prior to such expiry , enter into a contract to purchase Shares which will or may be executed wholly or partly after such expiry and purchase Shares pursuant to such contract ;
5 The clause read : In the event of the determination of this Agreement for any reason whatsoever [ Harris ] shall not at any time within 12 months after such determination : ( i ) enter into a Contract of Service or other Agreement of a like nature with GUS Ltd or any company subsidiary thereto or be directly or indirectly engaged concerned or interested in the trading or business of the said GUS Ltd or any such company aforesaid …
6 Any attempt by the Inland Revenue to tax the settlor under Case I of Schedule D on gains made by the trustees merely because the settlor procured that the trustees enter into a scheme involving trading transactions should fail ( Ransom v Higgs [ 1974 ] 1 WLR 1594 ( HL ) ) .
7 PAMELA : I will never , sir , enter into a subject that is not proper to be communicates every tittle of it to Mr. Belville and this must be my excuse for withdrawing .
8 He does not dwell on the significance of the Incarnation , but rather on the process by which the individual can , despite partial knowledge and creatureliness , enter into a darkness where nothing is known , yet God is existentially encountered in love .
9 Brahe complies , and they enter into a description of the accelerator and the experiment , the details of which are covered for the reader ( not for them ) by the engine noise :
10 The passage sets up a straightforward opposition between what de Man calls " two apparently incompatible chains of connotation " : De Man 's claim that these poles enter into a system of exchanges and substitutions becomes an argument that this opposition " also contains statements claiming the priority of metaphor in a binary system that opposes metaphor to metonymy " ( 1979 : 62 ) .
11 The seconded teacher , headteacher , LEA adviser and higher-education tutor enter into a commitment to train and support the teachers in becoming change agents in their own schools .
12 Ethical choices , then , enter into a discipline at all sorts of levels , from its overarching framework of values , through the specific truth criteria in current use , to their application on specific occasions .
13 Women enter into a form of covert contract with themselves to be their own bosses , judges and reward-givers .
14 They actually enter into a lease or tennis agreement with the London Borough
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