Example sentences of "faster than a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 He had seen Kiku riding flat out along tracks where no sane man would take an animal faster than a trot — but only when she thought no one was watching .
2 Faster than a computer , Robyn 's mind reviewed these candidates for the target of the strike and rejected them all .
3 It is rather faster than a Commodore 64 , and has similar graphics and sound , which makes the hardware good value .
4 They would disappear faster than a Polaroid photo .
5 I thought faster than a fly-half in a fire storm .
6 Researchers have discovered that significant changes in the same songs have been copied by humpbacks on opposite sides of the Atlantic Ocean within 6 days , far faster than a whale could swim the 5000 or so km ( 3250 miles ) .
7 The fire , driven by the wind , spread out from the Drum faster than a man could walk .
8 Carol had found my Sainsbury 's bag of booze faster than a sniffer dog could have .
9 The helmsman and the engineer controlled her easily and she reacted without hesitation to all commands , naturally much faster than a sailing vessel .
10 Faster than a machine gun , it can reach peak rates of 200 pulses per second as the bat finally closes in on the moving target .
11 Yep , forsaking the toilets of Blighty for the , erm , toilets of Noo Yawk ( Noo Yawk 's legendary CBGB 's actually — Ed ) , KITCHENS OF DISTINCTION are now busy shifting , erm , kitchen units across the pond faster than a microwave can dry a poodle .
12 He spreads gossip faster than a travelling minstrel , and too many people here know I do n't possess a wife — yet . ’
13 He is the only pianist I have ever heard who does not make Balakirev 's Islamey sound clumsy in places , who does not need to slow down for the middle section of Liszt 's Rhapsodie espagnole , and who can play repeated notes faster than a machine-gun can shoot bullets .
14 Secondly because the system is so basic in operation the processing occurs at a rate faster than a human writes .
15 The computer can do more work faster than a human because it does n't have to answer the phone .
16 And if you go and have a look at the tables , you find that Abbey Life actually makes your money grow faster than a lot of other insurance companies .
17 Faster than a bullet , in fact . ’
18 I was out of the house faster than a rat up a drainpipe and I 'd slammed the door shut before Nigger banged into the back of it .
19 Naturally , a computer can send its data faster than a printer can handle it , and this situation is made worse by using PostScript .
20 Beds vary enormously in style and price , but you get what you pay for and a cheap bed will wear out faster than a quality style .
21 Just one furlong , no jockey and they could n't go faster than a walk .
22 Travelling at over 100,000 mph — dozens of times faster than a rifle bullet — it would vapourise on impact , excavating a vast crater hundreds of miles across and filling the atmosphere with scalding steam and rock vapour .
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