Example sentences of "talked [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 They have talked during the election of improving the Union , and Mr Lang hinted yesterday that they would now seek some sort of consensus .
2 When government ministers talked during the mid-1980s about their justification for nuclear power , it nearly always included a catalogue of fearful threats which started with OPEC and ended with Scargill .
3 In Charlie 's loft , they had talked through the night about the sickness money brings , the violence and fear that money brings , the corruption money brings , and all along the real subject was not fear or corruption or violence , but money .
4 Mr Clark , in an extended informal evening session , talked through the issues behind MTD 's recent results and the importance of leadership in management .
5 A great deal of rubbish has been talked about the seasoning of timber by craftsmen and by romantic but ignorant amateurs .
6 Geographical factors can be a motivating factor , er we 've talked about the sun and the influence of the sun .
7 We 've talked about the sun a little bit , we just have done .
8 So , for instance , the Crowther Report of 1959 on the education of 15-18-year-olds talked about the likelihood that middle-class girls would combine a career with motherhood and marriage and the necessity for them to receive an education which prepared them for this future dual role .
9 Her brother he had met before and the two men talked about the year 's haysaving and the price they expected for sheep and wool and cattle .
10 We 've talked about the Women 's Movement so far .
11 Speaker J , in his preceding contribution , has talked about the money received for his work at a particular point in the past .
12 And indeed if if we broaden the picture out a little bit , and we 've talked about the user interface and the relational database , clearly an accounting system ca n't stand alone .
13 We have talked about the experience of anxiety symptoms as being initiated by the sudden or gradual build-up of stress .
14 To plough on with some of the other negative aspects of the budget , I 've talked about the charges .
15 to other things , we 've kind of veered of the , one of the subjects that we were er , we did get onto which was how the police and the courts er handle er well victims and indeed criminals , I wonder if I might conflate erm both those groups into one question , its a very broad question , but I wonder if you think by and large the police do a good job , erm button one for yes and button two for no , erm and the majority here say yes , seventy seventy people say yes the , the police do a good job and since we 've talked about the courts do you think the courts do a good job by and large ? , we 've been talking specifically about erm some of the more bizarre erm statements that have come from the bench , particularly in with reference to crimes erm , that have treated against women , well now , seventy nine say no , so the police comes thumbs up , but the courts are way down , now not surprisingly there are n't many representatives from the courts er amongst this hundred
16 Michael Marland has talked about the disappearance of deference and I think that 's the biggest change really that the kind of instant erm response to authority has gone and that has good and bad sides in it , so more is demanded of the teacher because his authority has to be earned , much more even than in the past I think .
17 We had talked about the heart earlier in the morning , because someone had brought ‘ Topsy and Tim Go to Hospital ’ in for storytime .
18 In an interview in Zhongguo Qingnian Bao on 16 August , Su Xiao Kang , one of the writers of the series , talked about the concerns which were expressed by the authorities and the pressures to make some changes before the repeats .
19 The men talked about the map .
20 She remembered the way Masklin had talked about the stars , and why they stayed up .
21 Well , having agreed with that , Freud then , faces a problem , because the problem he faces is , that in the previous book of his , that we looked at er , that he had published erm , what fourteen or so years earlier , Totem and Taboo where he had talked about the origin of religion .
22 He admired it and talked about the artist 's meaning , and the noble ideas he attributed to him .
23 It 's good to see some sound sense being talked about the Mar Lodge estate controversy by the John Muir Trust , fast becoming one of the foremost environment bodies in Scotland .
24 Okay , we we 've talked about the ego .
25 Yet , when I saw him on this occasion , he seemed more than usually calm and quiet , which , given that the most painful of interrupters might arrive at any hour , showed that when , in the very essay I was delivering to him , he had talked about the necessity for the ‘ discipline and training of the emotions ’ , he meant what he said and practised it .
26 One , a punk , talked about the village in Wales where she lives and how difficult it is to be different , so that dyeing her hair blue becomes an extremely powerful statement about herself , saying all the things she wants to about her rejection of the values of the people in her village .
27 They 've talked about the way that employers , that employers treat workers , and do you know what that resolution does , because it 's printed in the preliminary agenda and I make no apologies for saying this .
28 We 've talked about the man in the cemetery , the graveyard , and we 've talked about other people coming into the drop in centre and their sense of anger , but what about your sense of anger ?
29 The five committee members of the Literary Lionisers were subdued ; they had talked about the horrors of Saturday night incessantly the day before .
30 One of them , the landlord of the pub , got pissed and kissed me on the mouth and talked about the problems of these demarcations — and this is in spite of all the AIDS hysteria .
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