Example sentences of "to perform the [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Before his death the Prince knighted John Higgs , and went specially to St Thomas 's Hospital to perform the investiture at his bedside .
2 However , this ad hoc procedure has not been without its critics , largely because of doubts about whether it is possible to perform the exercise with sufficient precision to arrive at a clear-cut evaluation .
3 What you witnessed that night was Melanie trying to persuade me to perform the operation for her — or , failing that , to get someone else to do it as a favour . ’
4 Such a calculation procedure could be embedded into any CAD system to perform the calculation of concentration values , employing any three nominated entities .
5 The Carrier shall be relieved of its obligation to perform the contract to the extent that the performance thereof is prevented by failure of the Trader , fire , weather conditions , industrial dispute , labour disturbance or cause beyond the reasonable control of the Carrier .
6 said that conditions ‘ go so directly to the substance of the contract or , in other words , are so essential to its very nature that their non-performance may fairly be considered by the other party as a substantial failure to perform the contract at all . ’
7 The failure of the crop of Blackacre will render it impossible to perform the contract in the first example , whereas in the latter case the contract can be fulfilled by supplying potatoes from any source .
8 For instance , in a contract to build and supply machinery , the supplier might expressly undertake to manufacture the machinery in accordance with the agreed specification using the materials specified by the specification and to perform the work with reasonable care ; the supplier has then undertaken absolute obligations that the machine and materials used will conform to the specification .
9 But Yaara Tal and Andreas Groethuysen elect to perform the work in Reger 's later transcription for piano duet which restores the original orchestral variation .
10 It is thus a defence to show that the reason for the alleged act of discrimination was not the plaintiff 's disability but rather an inability to perform the work in question .
11 Note that if these DCs reference more than one module , you may have to create new DCs to perform the work in different packages .
12 said he was particularly pleased to perform the opening of the Chilton factory .
13 We have to start with some broad-cut view of the areas of the company which we believe should be encouraged to go ahead , the areas of the company which we believe have got to be held back or even disposed of , those which are to perform the function of cash cows , and those we wish to encourage to develop in more aggressive and adventurous ways than they have hitherto .
14 On the other hand , public authorities do not usually commit illegal acts deliberately , and if an atmosphere of opinion were created in which compensation for illegality were seen as being simply compensation for loss and not as carrying any stigma of fault or as being designed to perform the function of deterring illegal conduct , public authorities might be able to put the chance of an award out of their mind in deciding the applicant 's case the second time round .
15 Ever since the departure of Nik Powell , it had fallen to Simon Draper and Ken Berry to perform the function of attempting , where necessary , to temper Richard Branson 's more fanciful , grandiose and outlandish schemes .
16 Glass gives up to 100 concerts a year and is coming to Europe in 1991 to perform the music from Powaqqatsi .
17 By calling on his fellow socialists to perform the equivalent of a collective hara-kiri , he paradoxically appears to have given them back hope of a new life at the moment of their deepest despair .
18 By calling on his fellow party members to perform the equivalent of a collective hara-kiri , he paradoxically appears to have given them back hope of a new life at the moment of their deepest despair .
19 Rather than disappoint the young actors plans are in hand to perform The Wizard of Oz instead .
20 The next day in the House of Commons he was able not only to listen to tributes to himself — a rare experience normally confined to a man 's widow — but to perform the role of an out-of-season Father Christmas .
21 In marginal cases , the court will have to be convinced that a substantially limiting disability exists but that , as a result , the individual is not so disabled as to be unable to perform the job in question .
22 In ( 2 ) , for instance , the idea of unmanly seems to correspond to what caused the person represented as the support of the infinitive to perform the action of treating a woman badly , and the sentence suggests that the speaker did not expect such unmanly behaviour from the person he is addressing .
23 Later the Emperor Frederick I ( Barbarossa ) was to maintain that this ceremony had gone out of use and he refused to perform the office for the English pope , Adrian IV , at Sutri in 1155 .
24 The Substitute had refused the chair offered to him , choosing instead to wander about the room , taking brief puffs on his cigar and regarding everything and everyone with an amused detachment that gave the impression of his being mildly surprised but pleased at having to perform the office of Public Prosecutor .
25 So it seemed to us that the the general sense and purpose of the policy was was not in a sense disputed but that er in order to avoid a leng what was considered at the time to be perhaps unnecessary detail and going into erm too much detail that er we felt that the agricultural land policies could be left to perform the sort of main objective that we were seeking through , I think it was E three at the time , was was the proposed policy .
26 That round-the-clock open church door meant a succession of welcome visitors – the givers of goods , our learned advisers , chance visitors , and even a London actor , Roger Rees , of R.S.C. 's Nicholas Nickleby fame , who is to perform the Book of Revelation in St. A's & St. G 's Church in October .
27 Montague 's brother chose to ignore the request and commissioned a Mr Rowland , surgeon , to perform the task for £2 , assisted by two other surgeons at twelve shillings a piece ; there was a further outlay of ten shillings for ‘ a woman to attend the surgeons with water , mops , cloths and other things ’ .
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