Example sentences of "ensure that [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Not only manufacturers are involved ; retailers must ensure that appropriate labels are displayed , and records of furniture supplied must be retained for 5 years and be available for inspection by the Trading Standards Office .
2 Accountants should ensure that general managers know what financial profile to expect for each type of SBU .
3 Together , we can ensure that general SVQs and Skillstart are as responsive as possible to the needs of our customers — relevant , coherent , and practicable .
4 Parents should ensure that young children do not go rockpooling unaccompanied , because there are dangers even on innocuous shores .
5 An agreement to refer an issue to an expert need not be in writing , but modern commercial practice will ensure that oral agreements for expert determination are most unlikely .
6 Regular visits from LCCI verifiers will ensure that consistent standards are maintained .
7 The Tory party has not said that it would ensure that rural areas do not suffer disproportionately as a result .
8 ‘ the profession must ensure that sole practices are protected against its short comings and sole practitioners should support the new proposals for their own professional and business survival ’ .
9 It will also ensure that economic farmers are enabled to compete throughout the world .
10 Influenced by developments such as these , substantial public support began to develop for measures which would protect the position of the indigenous nationalities and which would ensure that economic decisions were taken with a greater degree of consideration for local circumstances .
11 They may also ensure that essential standards of work and conduct are upheld , although the school 's management and organisation should be such that they need be used only exceptionally .
12 Despite a reduction in indigenous oil production , the projected fall in demand should ensure that net imports will diminish by nearly 10 million tonnes between 1983 and 1990 , then rise slightly by the year 2000 .
13 It also believes that planning can ensure that new buildings are designed in a way which it likes , and has an ability to prevent anything , however small , happening near its own house which reduces its value or interferes with the way in which it has been in the habit of using it .
14 The only variation is between those who say the provenance of the wastes is irrelevant , and those who argue that imports of PCBs and other hazardous material should be discourged , because only a tough import policy will ensure that other countries build their own plants .
15 ‘ For example , some local residents have expressed interest in acquiring small plots of nearby land and we shall ensure that other residents have the same opportunity . ’
16 Thus , the very nature of the demands made upon the state by the capitalist system leads to a form of the state that can not necessarily ensure that capitalist interests are furthered .
17 Before we rush into changes to the homicide law , we must ensure that such changes do not do more harm than good .
18 We must ensure that such movements are not given the opportunity to develop in our own country .
19 Only that , he says would ensure that such disputes over legal procedure were sorted out before a case ever went to trial .
20 Will he encourage all local authorities to ensure that people pay their bills promptly and will he ensure that future charges are reduced when that money comes into council coffers ?
21 Whenever possible , we will ensure that future privatisations offer opportunities to employees to secure a stake in the ownership of their business .
22 A Rail Regulator will ensure that all companies have fair access to the track and will make sure that those who win the franchises honour the terms of their contract .
23 A new Rail Regulator — who will ensure that all companies have fair access to the track — will award the franchises and make sure that the franchisees honour the terms of the contract .
24 A national in-service training programme will ensure that all teachers are fully qualified in the subject they are teaching .
25 The Scheme will ensure that all solicitors ' representatives who give police station advice do so to an agreed standard of competence .
26 Government purchasing power should also ensure that all ingredients are better quality , healthier and fresher .
27 We will ensure that all tiers of regional and local government publish a ‘ Charter of Services ’ , giving citizens clear rights to standards of service , and remedies if these are not met .
28 the new computerised call and recall system will ensure that all women in this age group are offered a test at least one every five years .
29 Being a sensible young man he calculated energy changes for each reaction and used Standard Electrode Potentials , ( beloved of all A-level chemists ) claiming that this would ensure that all reactions he carried out were safe .
30 Will he ensure that all discussions that take place are opened up for us to criticise and assist ?
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