Example sentences of "refer [prep] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Along the same lines , we have on several occasions during experiments on bee navigation seen behaviour that appears to reflect an ability to form what experimental psychologists refer to as a ‘ cognitive map ’ .
2 These seem identical to Sheldrake 's morphogenetic fields and to what the ancient Sanskrit texts refer to as a ‘ deva ’ ( or ‘ shining one ’ ) .
3 There was a fundamental difference between Mannheim 's understanding of the status of knowledge and that of American functionalism but because of the respect for the ideas generated in the European tradition of sociology and the importance of the topic of ‘ knowledge ’ , the sociology of knowledge was incorporated into American sociology by what Stehr and Meja refer to as a process of ‘ normalization ’ ( Stehr and Meja 1984 : 6 ) .
4 Braden-Harder and Zadrozny [ 1989 ] have identified what they refer to as a ’ wish-list ’ for MRD organisation ; in terms of enhancements to existing information and additional information :
5 What we refer to as a good Christian action .
6 In the first place it is associated , as I have noted , with a general movement towards greater equality , and is contested by those social theorists of the New Right ( King , 1987 ) who , in recent years , have criticized what they refer to as a ‘ dependency culture ’ , and have urged instead the creation or restoration of an ‘ enterprise culture ’ of a more individualistic kind , in which the role of the state and other public authorities in providing welfare services would be radically diminished .
7 But there are what they refer to as the ‘ problem families ’ .
8 What Bartlett and Ghoshal refer to as the global company is alleged to be the result of Japanese practice developed in the 1960s and 1970s .
9 All the Jewish laws are derived from the first five books of the Old Testament , or what Jewish people refer to as the Torah , or the five books of Moses ; we believe that these laws were given by God to the Jewish people .
10 Although Barrett described himself as an ‘ antiques dealer ’ , the way he handled Miss Prinsep had more in common with the foot-in-the-door techniques employed by what the Sussex police wearily refer to as the ‘ knocker boys ’ .
11 The only control that is n't a membrane switch is the parameter change dial , which BOSS refer to as the ‘ Shuttle Dial ’ .
12 This I refer to as the ‘ Nottingham Forest Approach to law ’ .
13 They believe that there is an ‘ intermediate strata ’ sandwiched between what they refer to as the working and service classes .
14 I had what I refer to as the Flower Gentleman come to call on me — I 'm terrible at remembering names — and I liked him at once .
15 The first of these is that what we refer to as the ‘ supply ’ of bills is in fact a stock , rather than a flow .
16 ‘ Behind us , immediately outside , is what we refer to as the Paddock .
17 I mean , it 's er it 's wo , that 's one we refer to as the Donnis mobile cos we can use that when the American Express comes through .
18 As with the stereotypes we refer to in the business of everyday life , we know they are not , and can not be , comprehensively true or correct , but they provide us with an indispensable framework within which we can interpret particular instances .
19 Instead you appear to accept , almost as inevitable God- given phenomena , the ‘ thousands of angry commuters packing the station concourse at Charing Cross ’ ; ‘ a string of further crashes after Clapham ’ ( which you refer to in the context of PR imagery ) ; ‘ overcrowding for many commuters in Kent and Essex ( as ) a way of life , with some trains carrying 150% of their capacity ’ ( what about Surrey and Hampshire ? )
20 What does all this refer to in the third sentence ?
21 As someone who has to ask occasionally for a care package for an individual , do I take it then the penultimate paragraph that this is the planning , you know , how you 're going to produce a care package for an individual , this is what you refer to in the planning system , and that you 're getting together with Social Services to get this care package together ?
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