Example sentences of "searching for the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Again Cowley took the picture , and smiled ; but his mind was racing , searching for the link between what Roz had said and the image he held of a man , killed in a car crash .
2 An example word supercilious , compiled from simulated data ( 244,140,625 complete candidate strings ) was tested using the old method of complete string look-up ( 7 hours and 48 minutes processing time ) , and the new letter by letter look-up ( 13 seconds processing time ) — these figures include the time taken to build the tree structure as well as searching for the candidate strings .
3 Why he or the Queen never thought of searching for the King is a mystery . ’
4 We repair to the kitchen and blithely set off the burglar alarm searching for the cat to cuddle .
5 He and his crew are searching for the Land Where the Sun Goes at Night .
6 As far as Humphreys is concerned , firms which occupy the high ground in executive search are not necessarily limited in the variety , volume or type of search work that can be undertaken ; for example , Tyzack 's recent work includes finding the chairman of London Transport , looking simultaneously for three chief executives for an international trading company in the Far East , Europe and the US ( none of whom was to earn less than US$450 000 ) , searching for the chairman of the Monopolies & Mergers Commission , tracking down the chief executive of a building society and the MD of a conglomerate which , during the search , was defending itself against likely take-over bids .
7 Later comes a point of being unable to accept the loss , very often searching for the person who has gone and thinking that he or she is still there .
8 According to Stanley Turner , curator of the Michael Peto archive at Dundee University , ‘ he was continuously searching for the vision of a monumental human form to epitomise the universality of whatever scene , situation or event he was out to capture … always intent on raising his workday subjects from fleeting , mundane , accidental movement into symbolic representatives of their class or profession . ’
9 But for those searching for the stuff of rock'n'roll greatness , as yet they lack the scope and dynamics which is an essential ingredient .
10 So it was indeed a classic nightmare where I dreamt that I was the only person searching for the child , and the only person who saw that this vast Argosy was down near the coastline , and I landed in a most difficult position near the aircraft and found nobody else about .
11 Fifthly , there is a secret coven or conspiracy linked to the ancient order of the Templars who are also searching for the Grail and Arthur 's Sword .
12 When they came near the princess 's tower they saw a great number of people , all walking in the meadows , all searching for the princess 's lost keys .
13 Night fell , and Bodie was prowling the streets , searching for the girl , waiting for the call from Control to confirm that they had located her getaway car .
14 Slater was silent for a second , gazing disdainfully at Graham 's snapping fingers , then he said tiredly , " Graham , either concentrate on searching for the title of the book you 're talking about or devote your full energies to practising calling for a waiter ; I 'm not convinced you possess the RAM for doing both at the same time . "
15 Peter Naulls and he , searching for the hole into the mine , had got as suntanned as if they had been on the kind of holiday they never had , on the beaches of Spain or Italy .
16 Then I saw another picture : a very old woman ( it was Celia ) searching for the grave of the mother she had abandoned , and coming upon that inscription .
17 Police in Thailand are searching for the driver of a bus which crashed , killing a student from Oxfordshire .
18 POLICE are searching for the driver of a crashed car who ran off leaving his passenger trapped in the wreckage .
19 At this stage in his life , this was as important to Nicholson as searching for the character he was playing .
20 ‘ We are still searching for the money , but most of it was blown away .
21 For their part the Brazilians want to play British oppositon to remind themselves of what it feels like to be searching for the ball in the air for much of the game .
22 Wrap it around me like a Cupid-woven shawl and then let's dance together in this maze we call living , searching for the centre which we all know is death .
23 Detectives are still searching for the murder weapon , probably a wooden handled knife .
24 The surgeon prodded the shivery flesh , searching for the tumour that must be removed .
25 Ace woke at once , drawing her gun and spinning about on the carpeting of plaster chips and glass fragments , searching for the source and target .
26 You can spot the modern first edition collector : it is he who sifts assiduously through a pile of the new Martin Amis searching for the copy whose corner is not bumped , only to reject it because the alignment of the dust-wrapper ( not jacket ) on the spine is very slightly askew — but he does n't want that copy either because of the biro indentation on the lamination , and the nineteenth copy would have been OK had the rear cover not been soiled .
27 The big , light-hungry leaves were almost black now as I walked briskly back along the path searching for the track to take me back to the lodge .
28 If not , then keep him busy searching for the murderer of Alexander III .
29 On the other hand , when one is obsessively searching for the solution to a problem , it may be consciously recognised when it occurs as a fluctuation in the random activity of the subconscious whereas in other circumstances it might not emerge at the conscious level at all .
30 ‘ Go through the motions of searching for the ship .
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