Example sentences of "seek [verb] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Is it by music , then , that you seek to tame the spirits ? ’
2 The other two polls seek to confirm the rights of Irish women to freedom of travel and access to information about abortion abroad .
3 The methodological problems of this study to assess the impact of the SEM , are basically the same as those which seek to estimate the effects of the creation of the CU ( see Chapter 1 ) .
4 An Equal Opportunities Commission , set up by the 1975 Act , oversees the working of the Acts : it may conduct formal investigations , and seek to enforce the law by civil proceedings .
5 The final class of issues arises when we seek to implement the model empirically .
6 Some organisations seek to channel the grapevine for productive purposes by producing house magazines which allow issues to be raised publicly which would otherwise only become known through rumour .
7 Structuralist accounts therefore seek to accommodate the insights of elitist and pluralist writers and synthesise these with a broader historical understanding of the development of capitalism .
8 We seek to enable the Philippines to spend less and earn rather more .
9 The drum taps seek to restore the drum whose loss in modern drama is stated at the end of ‘ The Beating of a Drum ’ , while the striking suggestion that the choral passages ‘ to have a noise like a street drill ’ corresponds to Eliot 's praise of Le Sacre du Printemps for its uniting the noises of primitive and metropolitan life .
10 Derived from policies which seek to preserve the landscape qualities of the English countryside , such estates have more often contributed to its deterioration .
11 This is particularly true of nomadic groups , who have hardly changed their repertoire for generations and who still seek to weave the beliefs and aspirations of their tribe into the very fabric of their rugs , as a testament to their way of life and tribal identity .
12 Here we will not examine the mixing processes , but accept their role in modifying the water mass as we seek to relate the time-series ( Fig. 2 a ) to the spatial distribution ( Fig. 2b ) .
13 In order to ensure uniformity in all the member states , it must be recognised that the concept of ‘ matters relating to tort , delict and quasi-delict ’ covers all actions which seek to establish the liability of a defendant and which are not related to a ‘ contract ’ within the meaning of article 5(1) .
14 It must therefore be stated in reply to the first part of the second question that the term ‘ matters relating to tort , delict or quasi-delict ’ within the meaning of article 5(3) of the Convention must be regarded as an independent concept covering all actions which seek to establish the liability of a defendant and which are not related to a ‘ contract ’ within the meaning of article 5(1) .
15 Somehow lawyers , unlike trained technical investigators who seek to establish the cause of an accident in order to prevent a repetition no matter who was at fault , seem to be unable to disregard responsibility and liability aspects .
16 The influence of the USA is such that American lawyers seek to impose the effect of US law ( which of course varies from State to State within the Union ) upon the rest of the world .
17 Those who seek to repair the damage caused by the creation of more wealth are only locking us more deeply into the source of the evil ; and Labour 's submission to this cruel belief robs it of any claim to significant opposition to the existing order .
18 Help me to know a new start and a new strength as I seek to repair the wrong I 've done .
19 Moreover , they believe that the natural instrument of that change is the House , therefore they seek to increase the power of the House .
20 This leads us to assume that there are such causes for behaviour and we then seek to know the reasons for this .
21 Help those who seek to communicate the gospel , in words , in pictures , in books , on radio , television and films ; give them the help of your Holy Spirit , so that they may convey the message of hope and new life to the hearts and the minds of those who hear , who read , who watch .
22 So books that seek to inform the public about illness are simply adding to the problem .
23 this is a fair chance I think Mr Mayor this amendment is very self explanatory , I think we seek to reinstate the noise budget pollution to its original thirty thousand .
24 Second , there are clauses that seek to define the relationship between fiduciary and beneficiary to prevent certain fiduciary duties from arising or modifying the relevant duties .
25 This would give effect to clauses that seek to define the rights and obligations of the parties , for example , a clause which indicated that no partnership or agency relationship was created , and clear clauses would abrogate the prohibition on , for instance , self-dealing or the necessity to disclose all relevant information to the customer .
26 Erm but er you 'll notice from my wording er revised wording of the policy , I seek to define the terms of that self containment by using the words , and so the District Council will seek to secure land for .
27 The retreat from professional standards which marked the period of industrial action has given new impetus to those politicians and administrators who seek to define the teacher 's role .
28 The above examples seek to reflect the magnitude of the changes in systems and procedures that local government is having to come to terms with under differing sets of recent legislation .
29 Current Government policies seek to tackle the problem , and it would be churlish of me to say that the Government are not trying to come to terms with the unemployment problem .
30 QP is part of WML and as such has made a covenant or promise to both the Collict and Meikle families to support them as they seek to serve the Lord out in Brazil .
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