Example sentences of "existed [prep] [art] time " in BNC.

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1 One of the most farcical rivalries was that which existed for a time between two groups of prisoners who earlier had been in different Oflags .
2 Hopper and Fonda were looking for finance , although all that existed at the time was an eight-page outline for the plot , which Fonda had been toting around .
3 Only fourteen comprehensive schools existed at the time when Tony Crosland was writing : good grammar schools could not simply be swept away , nor the rights and duties of Local Education Authorities brushed aside .
4 The accounts for the first year indicated quite clearly the recognition of the social divisions which existed at the time .
5 It must be remembered that what is described is , almost without exception , the church as it existed at the time of writing .
6 The amount of surplus ACT included in the claim must be capable of being determined by reference to circumstances that existed at the time of the claim ( see Proctor & Gamble Ltd v Taylerson ( 1990 ) STC 624 ) .
7 The educational regimes apparent in early asylums pay tribute to the humanitarian spirit which existed at the time .
8 It would seem obvious that at least some of those practitioners had not in fact vanished at all , but still existed at the time of the Crusades .
9 … Whatever be the true view with regard to the act or neglect , I think that the appellant is entitled to say that the respondents ' ‘ default giving rise to the action ’ existed at the time when he suffered his injuries .
10 I can see nothing in section 61 to suggest that these trust provisions apply only if the trust existed at the time the deposit was made .
11 On Aug. 23 the Minister of Home Affairs , S. B. Chavan , presented a bill to the Lok Sabha ( lower house of parliament ) which sought to prohibit the conversion of any place of worship that existed at the time of India 's independence from the United Kingdom in 1947 .
12 It is a long established rule of law that where a contracting party refuses to perform his contractual obligations by giving a wrong reason , this does not subsequently deprive him of a justification which in fact existed at the time of refusal ( see Taylor v Oakes ( 1922 ) 27 Com Cas 261 ; Braithwaite v Foreign Hardwood Co Ltd [ 1905 ] 2 KB 543 ; and Fercometal SARL v Mediterranean Shipping Co SA [ 1989 ] AC 788 discussed in Chapter 15 ) .
13 Baroness Hooper 's letter stated that help with NHS charges for students were based on an individual assessment of ability to pay and on circumstances which existed at the time a claim was made .
14 Some of these animals were and are big : one species which existed around the time of the catastrophe was 15 m ( 50 ft ) long .
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