Example sentences of "resulted in the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 But the outbreak of the Spanish Civil War resulted in the 1936 Labour Party Conference at Edinburgh support collective security , though it did not approve of rearmament .
2 In Rasbora Ltd v JCL Marine Ltd [ 1977 ] 1 Lloyd 's Rep 645 Lawson J held that a clause in a contract for the sale of a motor yacht which excluded all liability in respect of defects could not be relied upon when an electrical fault resulted in the total loss of the boat within 27 hours of delivery .
3 An inquiry instituted by the Government resulted in the mercantile and maritime affairs of Leith and Edinburgh being separated .
4 He reconstructed the present land masses into a single super-continent called Pangaea and suggested that this had initially split into two continents , Gondwanaland ( Gondwana ) to the south and Laurasia to the north , before further rupture and drift resulted in the familiar shape and location of the continents today .
5 The catalogue includes individual articles on goldsmiths ' work , ceramics , coins , textiles , gardens , literary and theatrical culture , and , most importantly , case studies of the families whose patronage resulted in the two palaces housing the exhibitions , the Grimaldi , the Spinola , the Balbi and the Durazzo .
6 In vitro fertilization was pioneered by Patrick Steptoe and Robert Edwards , and resulted in the first ‘ test-tube baby ’ , Louise Brown , being born in 1978 .
7 This was a bribe-riddled deal which resulted in the first imprisonment of a former cabinet official .
8 Their inspirational demonstrations and innovative classes were long remembered by all those privileged to have been there , and resulted in the first regular Medau Adult Education class being established in Dagenham ESSEX in 1935 .
9 A general election held on May 25 resulted in the New Front for Democracy and Development , a coalition of the Indian , Javanese and mixed-race ethnic groups along with the Labour Party , winning 30 of the 51 seats in the National Assembly .
10 The second part of the festival , which resulted in the final performance , raised vital questions about the way women relate to one another when they are free to make real choices .
11 The Committee 's report provided the basis upon which the Law Society was invited by the Lord Chancellor to undertake the task of organising a legal aid scheme , which resulted in the Legal Aid and Advice Act 1949 and the regulations made thereunder .
12 Something over two hundred vacancies resulted in the immediate aftermath and a trickle of further resignations followed for some years to come .
13 In addition to the damage to his integrity , the leadership challenge resulted in the immediate resignation of Keating , whose intellect and skills of debate had made him the ALP 's most formidable performer in parliament .
14 Similar but less pronounced events during the Saalian and Weichselian glaciations resulted in the complex sequence of dominantly glaciomarine sediments of the southern North Sea upper Pleistocene succession .
15 In October Scott sailed to New York to begin the task which resulted in the Private Papers of James Boswell from Malahide Castle , privately published in eighteen volumes in 1928–34 .
16 Suppression of the Communist-inspired 1932 insurgency in El Salvador ( see page 41 ) was truly ferocious and resulted in the complete destruction of the party apparatus and the execution of its leaders ( including the man whose name has been adopted by the current guerrilla movement in El Salvador , Farabundo Martí ) .
17 On another occasion I had set out alone across Peterhead Outer Harbour with our 17ft Searider to fetch the rummage crew off a ship when careless stowage of the bow rope resulted in the trailing end catching the propeller .
18 Considerable discussion , interlaced with esoteric mathematics , resulted in the general agreement that it was worth about the equivalent of one very fat sacrificial boar .
19 A gas leak in the gas discharge cooler in the gas compression module then resulted in the general alarm sounding .
20 That effort resulted in the epic 20th Century Fox production entitled Tora !
21 Again his meteorological observations resulted in the practical theory of how tropical storms arise in the Gulf of Mexico and are of a similar nature , if vastly greater in scale , to water spouts and whirlwinds .
22 The squared limits of the 95% confidence intervals for the mean of the square root transformed values of the blood transfusion donors and resulted in the upper and lower normal value for serum pepsinogen A and C. For the pepsinogen A:C ratio these limits and the mean have been calculated with values transformed by the decadic logarithm .
23 While negotiations continued in Geneva , the Tories went to the polls declaring that ‘ collective security by collective action can alone save us from a return to the old system which resulted in the Great War . ’
24 Abernathy 's inability to fulfil the legacy of his charismatic predecessor , together with increasing differences with the King family , however , resulted in the gradual eclipse of the SCLC and his resignation as president in 1977 .
25 However , the issue was not settled and following a rating revaluation in Scotland , which caused much unrest , a further inquiry ( the fourth in fifteen years ) began , which resulted in the 1986 Green Paper , Paying for Local Government .
26 There were two attempts in the London area to deal with burial problems , which resulted in the MAIDEN LANE CEMETERY STATION running from King 's Cross and in the NECROPOLIS STATION to be found at the south west corner of Waterloo Station .
27 Eventually Newsome came up with a super 50–50 pass back which resulted in the second goal .
28 An attempt by the District Attorney to overturn it resulted in the Supreme Court 's consideration of the case on April 2 .
29 The formation of Purbeck left the so-called Island with a great variety of strata which resulted in the striking scenery of Swanage and its bays , cliffs and headlands .
30 His creation of the Wildfowl Trust resulted in the finest collection of ducks , geese and swans in the world and also in saving the Ne-ne Goose of Hawaii from extinction .
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