Example sentences of "support [noun] ['s] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 SOM will also support OMG 's object model , the idea being that over time both OS/2 and AIX environments will comply with OMG standards .
2 In general , cognitive studies on bias and preconception would support Moscovici 's point that anchoring ‘ involves the priority of the verdict over the trial ’ ( 1983 : 32 ) .
3 The Liberals , then , would support Labour 's amendment declaring no confidence in the government .
4 The evidence from the Visigothic kingdom , therefore , does not support Gregory 's image of hostility between the arians and catholics in Aquitaine .
5 However , the Soviet ambassador to Syria , Aleksandr Zotov , said that while " the security needs of Syria are unquestionable " , the Soviet Union would no longer support Syria 's goal of " strategic parity " with Israel , but would support a " reasonable self-sufficiency " .
6 The object-oriented framework will support IBM 's System Application Architecture systems as well as its AIX Unix systems .
7 Most Ophiacanthids so far examined possess a comma shaped surface except for Ophiomyces , the possession of similar articulation surfaces in Ophiohelus , Ophiothauma and Ophiotholia is inferred pending future study , so an absence of this form of socket would support Verrill 's proposal .
8 She would support McAllister 's idea to prettify the baby clothes ; it might make the poor things feel happier and that someone really cared about them .
9 This might support Persinger 's hypothesis , as might the fact that the only recent abduction reported in the Pennine area occurred on the Craven fault .
10 Opponents of rearmament in the Labour Party ( and until 1938 this included the leader Attlee ) argued that , however desirable under a Labour Government , the Party could not support Chamberlain 's rearmament without appearing to endorse the foreign policy that went with it .
11 We will actively support Britain 's bid to host the 2000 Olympic Games in Manchester .
12 The sharing of the collector 's salary was really what appears to have been in the thoughts of Craigbarnet and his friends , for Dougalston too returned to this point in his letter to Montrose 's commissioner , telling him that Craigbarnet 's friends had given him to understand that they would support Kirkton 's re-election , ‘ with the same sellary that he now has if he would give Craigbarnett fifteen or twentie pound sterling yearly out of it ’ .
13 Marlborough , Massachusetts-based Stratus Computer Inc has signed with Unix Systems Labs to sell and support USL 's version of the Open Software Foundation 's Distributed Computing Environment , DCE/SVR4 .
14 What kinds of classroom environment will most support children 's learning ?
15 This observation would also support Fries 's compression of morbidity thesis ( 1980 ) .
16 Erm I could also support Chris 's resolution if I thought it was realistic to hope for an adequately funded public transport system in , in the foreseeable future .
17 His reversal astonished Derby , who realised that the plot was dead and wrote at once to Austen Chamberlain to explain that he intended to turn about and support Baldwin 's decision to meet Parliament .
18 France established diplomatic relations with Slovenia on April 23 , and with Croatia on April 24 , confirming that it would support Slovenia 's request for UN membership and for co-operation with the EC .
19 There are many ways in which people and resources from the world of work can directly enhance and support students ' learning .
20 ‘ Even if he had desired it , he could scarcely have done more to ensure that the Khans would support Nogai 's will . ’
21 Following the vote Peres announced that he would support Rabin 's leadership and " do everything to uphold party unity " .
22 In talks with Tran Duc Luong , a Vice-Chairman of the Council of Ministers , Prawiro said that Indonesia would support Vietnam 's application for aid from international financial institutions .
23 We can support UNICEF 's Passport to Health campaign , to immunise the world 's children against the six major killer diseases — polio , tuberculosis , whooping cough , tetanus and measles — by the end of 1990 .
24 Speaking on behalf of the European Communities ( EC ) , the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Secretary Douglas Hurd said on Sept. 22 that the EC would support Boutros-Ghali 's proposal for a peacekeeping reserve fund , adding that at end-August EC member countries had provided 40 per cent of contributions collected for various peacekeeping operations since the end of the last General Assembly .
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