Example sentences of "comparable with the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 But do these totals prove that hooligan behaviour of a kind broadly comparable with the present day was widespread before the First World War ?
2 This is comparable with the ambulatory found at Holcombe , Devon , which has simpler but accurate mosaic work of swastika pattern .
3 In March 1980 the International Robot Symposium and Exhibition was held in Milan , and for the first time a British robot manufacturer showed its wares in a manner comparable with the best .
4 By 1973 , yields had reached 8000 kg/ha on the best plots and , in 1974 , a triticale field in California produced 9890 kg/ha , comparable with the best wheats .
5 In soft rocks a profile drawn normally to the beach would show a concave form comparable with the long profile of a river .
6 Scolt Head Island , the most fully developed offshore bar on the Norfolk coast , has had a history comparable with the above idealised conditions .
7 At this stage he is thinking of something comparable with the Advanced Sea Kayak Club , perhaps operating as an offshoot of the Open Canoe Association of Great Britain in parallel with the Open Canoe Sailing Group .
8 It is noteworthy , however , that both the British and French governments , with their much smaller nuclear forces , have apparently stuck to a declaratory policy of targeting Soviet cities , and have not made statements repudiating purely anti-population strategy in any way comparable with the 1983 US statement quoted .
9 The United Mineworkers of Scotland had enrolled about 4,000 Fife miners , but otherwise there was nothing comparable with the Communist-led unions of Germany or France .
10 A bolus of 100 µmol HCl was used as mild acid irritant since this amount and concentration of acid is comparable with the average gastric acid secretion of the conscious male Sprague-Dawley rat .
11 To see NHS provision evaluated on a basis broadly comparable with the private sector .
12 Hence , far from seeing NHS provision evaluated on a basis broadly comparable with the private sector , the authors of WFP have swung the balance in favour of private hospitals .
13 Teichmüller and Teichmüller ( 1981 ) state that the present day geothermal gradient in the Ruhr area of Germany is 30°C/km which is comparable with the Southern North Sea estimates .
14 Maturity data shown here for the Peel and Beatrix areas of the Netherlands ( Kuyl and Patijn , 1961 ) are not directly comparable with the other Carboniferous data as these were derived from volatile matter determinations ; the data have been transformed to vitrinite reflectance equivalent for display purposes using the relationships established by McCartney and Teichmüller ( 1972 ) .
15 On average ( £5.44 per capita ) the Wealden vale was filly comparable with the com-sheep region ( £5 — £5.55 ) and far more affluent than the forest ridge to the east ( £4.64 ) , where , in contrast to the rest of Sussex , the scarcity of truly rich people placed the biggest concentration of wealth in the range £10-£19 instead of £20-£39 .
16 This subgroup of 11 defaulters was comparable with the remaining group of 82 patients in terms of age , sex , body weight , and distribution among the three treatment groups .
17 They are comparable with the Italian ricercari of the period , with regular fugal entries at the fifth and well morticed cadential joins .
18 A procedure carried out by people with the aid of tools technology etc can therefore be considered as a Human Activity System , one that is comparable with the formal systems model described in Chapter 3 .
19 The 1480s show an average comparable with the 1430s , although this figure is probably depressed by the bad years of 1482 and 1483 in the latter year prices were higher than they had been for a century , and wages did not rise proportionately .
20 She sees the discipline as " once more under heavy fire " to an extent only comparable with the 1890s , and has no doubt as to the cause of this decline : the pernicious influence of the " new critics " .
21 I am afraid that we do not have later figures , figures for registered disabled people or figures comparable with the monthly claimant count .
22 The only map suitable for walkers is the 1:25,000 Maltese Survey , comparable with the British OS .
23 There were few outcries by settlers , as in France with regard to Indo-China and Algeria , no crisis comparable with the chaotic fate of the former Belgian Congo , no agony approaching that of the United States over Vietnam .
24 The survey report points out that both of these estimates included vacant houses and are not comparable with the latest figure .
25 The fees charged to overseas students are set for each degree at a level which reflects the full cost of tuition for that degree , and are not directly comparable with the reduced and standardised fees charged to students from the United Kingdom and European Community countries .
26 Unfortunately , the census is not strictly comparable with the previous one of 1947 , but , nevertheless , some revealing comparisons can be made .
27 In most circumstances you will want to pay a language helper for his/her work , on a scale that is comparable with the local situation .
28 Bulgaria and Albania produce a more limited range of qualities and designs , and their items are generally comparable with the top end of the Romanian range .
29 Again it is to the Gregorian Reform movement that the development both of the papal curia ( comparable with the monarchical courts ) and of the papal treasury , or chamber , is due .
30 The Infomatics Resource Centre reserves the right to alter any part of the published programme if this is necessitated by circumstances outside our control : we will use our best efforts to ensure that the programme as altered remains comparable with the published format .
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