Example sentences of "replaced [pers pn] with [noun] " in BNC.

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1 British Home Stores and Burtons have sacked thousands of full-time staff and replaced them with part-timers .
2 The Duke provided a list of suitable , sober and solid men , but the Young Frog had simply scrawled out their names and replaced them with friends he had made at Eton and , when some of those friends declined the honour , he found other congenial officers who knew how to leaven war 's rigours with riotous enjoyment .
3 In 1986 , the conservatives sacked a dozen of 24 state bosses ( banks included ) and in turn replaced them with friends of the right .
4 The simultaneous emergence of the nuclear family and housing developments which swept away streets and replaced them with tower blocks , contributed to an erosion ( and even total destruction ) of many communities .
5 It was venerated by succeeding Popes but had unfortunately been despoiled , first by the Byzantine Emperor Constans II who , in 655 removed the gilded bronze plates which covered the dome and replaced them with lead and later , in 1625 , by the Barberini Pope Urban VIII who destroyed the portico roof in order to use the bronze beams supporting it for his own building schemes .
6 He replaced me with Peter O'Toole .
7 In an attempt to defuse the protests Roh dismissed his Minister for Home Affairs , Ahn Eung Mo , on April 27 and replaced him with Lee Sang Yeon .
8 On July 11 , Kravchuk dismissed Economics Minister and Deputy Prime Minister Vladimir Lanovoi and replaced him with Valentin Simonenko , formerly his representative in Odessa .
9 The plenum also " dismissed " Ho Dam from his post as secretary of the KWP and replaced him with Kim Yong Sun .
10 THE Los Angeles Raiders , who have lost three of their first four games , yesterday fired their coach , Mike Shanahan , and replaced him with Art Shell , their offensive line coach who becomes the first black head coach in the NFL since 1926 .
11 Last month Mr Mubarak dumped his interior minister of seven years , Abdel Halim Moussa , and replaced him with Assiut 's governor , Hassan Alfi .
12 After the execution of Majorian , Ricimer appointed Severus as emperor ; four years later he agreed to the elevation of Anthemius , but in 472 he had Anthemius executed and replaced him with Olybrius .
13 He was so horrified by Prittwitz 's proposed withdrawal that he immediately replaced him with Generals Paul von Hindenburg and Erich Ludendorff .
14 Eventually Nellie got rid of Percy Rimmer and replaced him with Robert Clarke , who did Tiller 's stage effects .
15 Mr Welt sneaked about at night and removed all the wooden furniture in the school and replaced it with metal furniture .
16 In 1981 the Conservative government abolished capital transfer tax and replaced it with inheritance tax .
17 It was hardly surprising , in these circumstances , that Nicholas abandoned a hair-brained scheme for launching a direct attack on Constantinople and replaced it with Paskevich 's proposals for a Russian occupation of the Danubian Principalities , an Austrian occupation of Serbia and Herzegovina , a blockade of the Bosphorus , and an eventual Austro-Russian partition of the Ottoman Empire .
18 the child may need help with -ed : on both occasions he replaced it with -t ( cf. fatet ) .
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