Example sentences of "to fly from [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 For the H-bomb , carried in long-range bombers which took several hours to fly from base to target , was already outdated by the end of the Fifties .
2 He said : ‘ So far there have been no objections that I know of to either of our plans to fly from Liverpool to London 's City Airport , or Gatwick . ’
3 Aeroflot is also hoping to fly from Stansted to the United States later this year , now that traffic agreements between the two countries for the state airline have been agreed and when long range aircraft become available .
4 Fields , he learned , owned a ‘ paper ’ airline , British Atlantic , which had applied for a licence to fly from Gatwick to Newark airport , New York , on an air ‘ frequency ’ which had been vacant since the collapse of Laker Airways two years before .
5 Already they 've got people willing to fly from LA to New York to see them , and people going to every date of their domestic tours .
6 At present the airline operates mainly between Florida and Puerto Rico but , if America 's Department of Transport agrees , it hopes to be able to fly from Miami to New York , Chicago , Los Angeles , Houston and New Orleans .
7 The band were about to fly from Ibiza to the bash in their Nottingham home-town , when the fans spotted them .
8 Be prepared to fly from A to B via Z : Delta 's network is based on hubs , whereby waves of flights arrive simultaneously in Atlanta or Cincinatti , and take off an hour or so later .
9 It had proved expedient to fly from Orly to Casablanca , from Casablanca to Lisbon , from Lisbon to Montenegro , from Montenegro to Sacramento , and , by carrier-copter , from Sacramento to Salt Lake , with changes of passport at each stopover .
10 His clients have been known to fly from Jersey to his Birmingham salon in order to have him tend their tresses .
11 They thought it was normal for Lucy ( they had never called her Mummy ) to fly from room to room looking for her watch , keys , diary , gloves , scarf , and blow a kiss to them from the garden path as the taxi-driver carried her cello out to the car , while Nissy held them up to the window to wave .
12 Following his failure to grab a slice of Dan-Air , he announced that he is pressing ahead with plans to set up a small European airline if Virgin can get permission to fly from Heathrow to Brussels , Paris and Maastricht .
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