Example sentences of "woke in the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Rachaela spasmed in long aching waves and woke in the bed in the flat , staring into darkness .
2 I woke in the middle of the night and walked downstairs .
3 erm In fact a simple formulation of this problem occurs in the opening paragraphs of À la Recherche , erm when the narrator writes this : ‘ When I woke in the middle of the night , I could not tell where I was , just as I did not know at first who I was .
4 She had hit him and fed him , shouted at him for being idle and comforted him when he woke in the night and was afraid .
5 I had drunk too much and woke in the night knowing I was damned .
6 They went to bed and when Lavinia woke in the night it was Timothy Gedge she thought of , not her lost child .
7 She woke in the night to find him lying flat on his back , the glow of a cigarette lighting up his face as he inhaled .
8 Leonora woke in the night , gasping , her body drenched with perspiration .
9 She woke in the night to hear the men barking out instructions
10 She woke in the half-gloom of early morning to find her body slicked with sweat and all the bedclothes flung off , her nightdress in such a tangle that the soft creamy skin of her thighs was exposed to anyone who cared to look .
11 woke in the sun to spin my claim
12 And woke in the morning knowing it , whatever it was , was over .
13 The bad thing was that when she woke in the morning she could remember nothing about it .
14 She could not assimilate , however hard she willed to do so , such strange food : and she woke in the morning hungry , but with her head still aching .
15 When I woke in the morning , we were drawing into the bank .
16 For example , it would make me very happy if I could see you every night across my dinner table ; if when I woke in the morning , I would hear you wish me ‘ Bonjour , chéri ! ’ in that so charming accent of yours .
17 I woke in the morning feeling weak and shaky , but quite normal .
18 I fell into an unhappy sleep , but when I woke in the morning , the family had gone .
19 Of course , he flung her off when he woke in the morning .
20 When she woke in the morning , she pulled on her dressing-gown and went down to the kitchen to make some tea .
21 When she woke in the morning , it was to clear blue skies , and she gave a sigh of pleasure .
22 When she woke in the morning , she felt a profound reluctance to meet any of the family in case she got drawn into any more dramas .
23 And yet … there was a night , long ago now , when a mist came in off the sea ; we slept uneasily , then woke in the dark , to hear the cold whine of sea magic in the air .
24 first I woke in the dark
25 Until then , he had been sure of his memories , certain that he could not have forgotten his parents and everything that had happened to him and reinvented the whole of his life before he woke in the attic .
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