Example sentences of "objection to this [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 5.10.3 Not to use the Premises as sleeping accommodation or for residential purposes nor keep any animal fish reptile or bird anywhere on the Premises A tenant would find it difficult to resist a covenant against nuisance and the only objection to this clause is whether there should be a restriction against using the premises for a sale by auction .
2 Now those were the issues that were leading us sir had left us to make an objection to this structure plan that we thought erm the detailed papers on it were sent to the county in our in our objections , they led us to by a series of calculations to come to the view that around about a hundred hectares would be more appropriate for Harrogate , this is in addition to its Greater York supplement , erm than what is now settled upon which is sixty hectares .
3 The obvious objection to this ploy is that whereas babies , soon to be crossing the language barrier without let or hindrance , have the potential to develop into normal autonomous persons , even the highest animals do not .
4 The majority of the councillors have no objection to this development but the following comments were made :
5 I confirm that the Parish Council has no objection to this development .
6 The main objection to this point revolves round the feeling that a person can have authority , or be in authority only if his authority is recognized by some people , whose identity varies with the nature of his authority .
7 Brooke-Rose 's main objection to this model is that Greimas follows Lévi-Strauss in making of woman a silenced object of exchange whose signified has been repressed ( ravished ) into the unconscious ( elsewhere ) .
8 His objection to this view was :
9 That Pericles ' maternal relatives , the noble family of the Alkmaionidai , were enemies of Themistokles ( as they certainly were is no objection to this view : Pericles ' father had already distanced himself from the Alkmaionidai by the time of his ostracism in 484 ( Ath .
10 There are people in Hammond Drive whose only objection to this closure , I have been informed , is because it will stop them taking a short cut through Loraine Crescent .
11 Lucien could not summon an objection to this observation .
12 We do n't have any objection to this place becoming an independent country .
13 With this Phil Barlow capitulates and agrees that he has no objection to this appointment provided it is merely a monitoring job where no direct links are made with parents .
14 A second and more serious objection to this definition concerns the impossibility of completeness in another direction .
15 An objection to this argument is that a legal obligation is not a necessary condition for a liability .
16 The major objection to this argument is that the obligations are contained within the Protocol and not within the Treaty itself ; there is no organic link between the two legal instruments creating a mutuality of obligations .
17 The objection to this arrangement is that only half the cellos are available for the important entries in the second and ninth bars , which are thus considerably weakened .
18 Fortunately neither had raised any objection to this arrangement , but Sophia could not help fearing that there might be difficulties .
19 The second real objection to this form of psycho-biography is that as soon as Freud is quoted as gospel , the whole argument descends into music hall burlesque for everybody but dedicated Freudians .
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