Example sentences of "leaning against the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 A tall , dark figure in the shadows , leaning against the bole .
2 Theodora , leaning against the balustrade which crowned the tower of St Benet 's church , glimpsed George 's red T-shirt in the distance .
3 Only then did he see the thin figure of Louis leaning against the saloon bulkhead .
4 He stood with his back to the sitting-room door , leaning against the door-frame .
5 Claudia said , glancing at the watchful man , who was leaning against the door-frame as if to prevent any thought of escape she might have .
6 He was leaning against the casualty department door leering at the nurse who was dabbing gently at the three parallel scratches on Martin 's face .
7 The tall man had been leaning against the stable 's open gates , but straightened up as Lucille appeared from the house .
8 When Sally got off the bus he was waiting for her , leaning against the bonnet , smoking a cigarette and looking more than ever the dashing young man-about-town .
9 He was leaning against the rail smoking a cigarette and staring with an air of melancholy towards the distant island .
10 Eventually Corbett decided to stay there , leaning against the rail , watching the day break above him .
11 The deck was crowded and several passengers leaning against the rail waved a greeting .
12 Tossing her sunglasses and some local currency into a tote bag , she found herself having to make a dash up to the top deck , arriving to find Niall leaning against the rail .
13 He opened the door quietly and for one second saw her unobserved , leaning against the stove at the end of the hall , her model on the seat beside her .
14 She was leaning against the corridor wall , stunned .
15 A woman was leaning against the door of one of the houses , her gaudily painted face revealing her trade .
16 When Pascoe looked into the hallway , he saw Singer leaning against the door of his room , his back half-turned .
17 He is leaning against the door , smiling at me .
18 Leaning against the door , she forced her weary fuddled brain to work .
19 Lewis was leaning against the door .
20 But , as she trailed after him into their own bedroom , leaning against the door while he quickly packed his case , she realised that she 'd already lost him .
21 ‘ Goodnight , ’ she answered , and went swiftly to her room , to spend some minutes leaning against the door with a dreamy smile on her face .
22 He had his hands clasped behind his head and was leaning against the head-rest behind him so that his tanned throat was exposed .
23 A group of men were leaning against the bar , their backs to the doorway .
24 Pyke was leaning against the bar with Marlene , sipping a half of lager .
25 Luke was leaning against the bar as she went down the stairs .
26 Leaning against the desk he watched Michael 's face as he opened the box .
27 I hissed , closing my eyes and leaning against the lintel of the stable .
28 In this case , the reality of ( say ) of an orange being behind the breadboard is different from the appearance — which is that of a breadboard leaning against the kitchen wall .
29 Do you leave a ladder in the greenhouse or garden shed or leaning against the kitchen wall ?
30 He looked at the small , wooden stake leaning against the scaffold .
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