Example sentences of "speaks [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Money-Go-Round : One European parliament that speaks for the elderly
2 Unfortunately , the Bill was vetoed by a Labour Whip although , since then , I note that , in The Guardian , the hon. Member for Blackburn ( Mr. Straw ) , who speaks for the Labour party on education , said : ’ Let a thousand league-tables bloom . ’
3 At the same time , d the Tories are on their knees , some people , as I said earlier , I think it 's just as relevant in this debate , seem to have lost their way and when you took , look at what they 're proposing in terms of say , the er the fifty percent , the , the er M Ps , fifty percent of the votes for er the Parliamentary leader which of course is very consistent with , right , fifty percent of the vote , you take that along with proportional representation and what I believe you 're seeing is the number of people who have given up the ghost and are preparing to restructure the Party around coalition politics , and that 's where they 're heading , and they 're heading completely in the wrong direction because we 're more in tune with what 's going on in this country , the po opinion polls are saying fifty nine percent of the people actually I think , believe that er the Labour government is possible and will be voting for a Labour government , the alternative road is to oblivion and it 's not about modernizing , the people who 're proposing this coalition politics are n't modernizers , they 're Victorian politics , that 's what they 're about , they 're about taking us back , back before we created the Party , before we learnt the lesson that we needed to represent ourselves politically , they 're going back to , let's skil see what we get out of the Liberals , the free trade Liberals , in the nineteenth century , that 's where they 're going back , that 's not about modernization , real modernization is about making sure that the Labour Party speaks for the working people up and down this country and that 's our contribution to make to that Party and therefore we should have a role in decision making and influencing the Party that enables us as an organization to express that feeling , and that understanding of what people actually want in this country , and that 's why we 're supporting the C E C proposals .
4 It ‘ speaks for the new concepts required to create a better world structure ’ , and works ‘ towards a spiritually-based civilisation ’ .
5 Mr Hicks , who speaks for the bereaved and injured as chairman of the Hillsborough Families ' Association , was also unhappy to see the stadium host a semi-final again while the business from 1989 remained uncompleted .
6 Peggy Wood speaks for the Past and Present Team : ‘ No sooner had we packed away the remnants of Past and Present 1991 , than things began to arrive in the cupboard for 1992 – and what a selection of lovely bits and pieces .
7 The knight speaks for the landed interest , the merchant for international trade , and the capper for the working master craftsman .
8 NEIL KINNOCK yesterday declared himself fit to be Prime Minister , by claiming in an end-of-conference message that he now speaks for the British people .
9 But as well as providing services , it 's also the council which speaks for the whole county .
10 He speaks about the archaeological finds that have been made in Cyprus 's mines — the reed ore baskets , the wooden winches and woven ropes , the skeletons cramped in galleries less than one metre high .
11 This is precisely why Marx speaks about the proportional application of capital ( 1 ) 'in the various spheres of production' and ( 2 ) ‘ according to its [ society 's ] needs ’ .
12 Now one of these texts speaks about the Holy Ghost and the other one speaks about the Holy Spirit .
13 Now one of these texts speaks about the Holy Ghost and the other one speaks about the Holy Spirit .
14 It is this anger , more or less contained , which speaks through the extraordinary images created by Heartfield in his life-long struggle against fascism and for Communism , and renders them so memorable .
15 But Luke nowhere speaks of the new covenant unless Luke 22:19b and 20 are original ( against the main weight of manuscript attestation ) .
16 The presenter of This Is Your Life flinches when he speaks of the recent major surgery on Patrick 's hip .
17 When one speaks of the biblical God , one automatically says ‘ He ’ : that God is profoundly male .
18 The apostle Peter speaks of the mutual submissiveness of wives and husbands , just as Jesus himself was submissive in his time on earth to death .
19 When a dictatorship seriously violates human rights and attacks the common good of the nation , when it becomes unbearable or closes all channels of dialogue , of understanding , of rationality , when this happens , the Church speaks of the legitimate right of insurrectional violence .
20 When my right hon. and learned Friend the Member for Monklands , East rightly speaks of the essential nature of skills , training and investment , he has it exactly right .
21 Roger Duvoisin ( 1965 , p.25 ) extends this idea when he speaks of the well-designed page .
22 Paul speaks of the pastoral situation of a Christian man or woman being married to someone who is not a Christian .
23 This belief in the interrelationship of life in all its forms may find corroboration from St. Paul who speaks of the whole creation groaning in pain and awaiting deliverance from the bondage of corruption into the liberty of the glory of the children of God .
24 The first speaks of the empty tomb or rising again after burial , of appearing to apostles , women disciples , and other witnesses .
25 In commenting on the enabling function of the tribunal , the research study speaks of the heavy burden placed on the tribunal of eliciting all the relevant information about the case and applying the law to the facts in an impartial and objective manner .
26 Their work is relevant to us and speaks of the human condition not because it attains universality and ‘ objectivity ’ , as Goody and others would imply , but on the contrary precisely because of its articulation with the real social experience in which they participated .
27 He sometimes speaks of the scientific method as one of the possible methods of responding to doubt , sometimes as a ‘ way of life ’ , but he always seems to see it as optional though supremely rational .
28 A bumper sticker on the San Diego Freeway speaks with the authentic , sunny voice of greater Los Angeles : ‘ People are fantastic .
29 It becomes full representation only if the elected person speaks with the authentic accents of those who elected him … he should share their values ; that is , be in touch with their realities .
30 He speaks with the similar looking stocky girls .
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