Example sentences of "raises a important [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The hon. Gentleman raises an important issue and I want to make the position clear .
2 It will be seen at once that these statements are more specific and precise than aims , which raises an important question .
3 If reality is an illusion that we create — no more ‘ real ’ than Middle Earth or Valhalla — then it raises an important question .
4 This raises an important question : with what type of poem , what genre , are we faced here ?
5 My Lords , this appeal raises an important question on two aspects of what is compendiously , albeit inaccurately , called ‘ the right of silence . ’
6 The board 's first ground of objection raises an important question of principle which depends on the construction of section 18 of the Act of 1988 which provides , so far as material :
7 Editor , — Michael E Dewey raises an important point regarding the standards used by journal editors in handling manuscripts submitted for possible publication .
8 The hon. Gentleman raises an important point .
9 My hon. Friend raises an important matter .
10 However , decentralization raises an important theme for the empirical processes to be outlined in the next three chapters .
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