Example sentences of "evenings [coord] at [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In these cases there are also younger sisters , unmarried , who come visiting in the evenings or at weekends , and during the day if they are ever ‘ off ’ work .
2 The terrace faced south and got the full sun , so it was too hot to be out there by day , but in the evenings and at night it was wonderful .
3 The problem is particulary acute in the evenings and at night when parties , music and other noise sources can have most effect .
4 Units and credits should be an important topic for discussion on parents ' evenings and at meetings of our proposed tutor-group parents ' associations .
5 The nurses who come in the evenings and at weekends are from an agency - which can mean , for Elaine , a new face every night of the week .
6 It has already been pointed out that it was difficult for many part-time farmers to get time away from their jobs so adult training normally took place in the evenings and at weekends .
7 premises ‘ over the shop ’ , looking on to the town 's main streets , can provide desirable offices for local professional firms , or indeed flats — residential use in particular keeps the streets alive in the evenings and at weekends when the shops are shut .
8 Tiller 's theatrical enterprises were expanding so fast it became inconvenient to use his warehouse during the evenings and at weekends , so he took over part of St James 's Hall in Oxford Street , Manchester , adjoining the St James 's Theatre .
9 This paid for his training which he did in the evenings and at weekends .
10 This was a particular problem in the evenings and at weekends when the registrars were on call and not necessarily in the department .
11 My non-uniform clothes , which were worn in the evenings and at weekends , were also secondhand , bought in a secrecy which my mother insisted on , from a shop in Notting Hill .
12 These offices may also be open during the evenings and at weekends .
13 In the evenings and at weekends she visited her friends , or walked through the fields with Diana , or sat talking to Matthew .
14 Often the houseparent is a married woman whose husband goes out to work but acts as a father to the children in the evenings and at weekends .
15 They should thus be open in the evenings and at weekends as well as during ordinary office hours so that working people can attend without having to take time off work .
16 He went out to work by day , conveniently , at a firm of accountants ; in the evenings and at weekends he made himself as unobtrusive as possible .
17 This is used mainly for business but Fred also uses it in the evenings and at weekends for the family .
18 In winter rabbits are almost nocturnal in their feeding habits , but come summer and the shortened hours of darkness they are readily seen feeding in the evenings and at daybreak as well as at night .
19 Ribber Classes will be held at the Stourdale Centre , Manningtree on Monday evenings and at Copleston High School , Ipswich , on Tuesdays .
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