Example sentences of "appearing over the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Enemy heads began appearing over the wall .
2 Without appearing over the newspaper , Pa says irritably , ‘ What 's the matter with that animal ?
3 She heard the almost imperceptible hum of a Rolls-Royce drawing up , then saw the tip of a huge Havana cigar appearing over the hedge , followed by a red face nestling in an astrakhan collar .
4 Fergus said , appearing over the top of the couch , gunless .
5 On they came , ever more appearing over the crest of the ridge , the might of England on the move , the first major and full-scale invasion of Scotland since Bannockburn .
6 McFall 's ascent was accompanied by frequent shouts for a tight rope and ended with a shell-shocked face appearing over the rim and the declaration : ‘ If that 's 4c I 'm definitely selling at my climbing gear ’ .
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