Example sentences of "appearing before the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Writers Fay Weldon and Marina Warner and Colin MacCabe , the former head of production at the British Film Institute , were among witnesses appearing before the Video Appeals Committee , called to examine a decision by the British Board of Film Classification to refuse a release certificate to ‘ Visions of Ecstasy ’ .
2 At Ludwigsburg Leopold suspected that his attempts to gain an audience with Karl Eugen , Duke of Wurtemberg were being thwarted by the intervention of Niccolò Jommelli ( court Kapellmeister at Stuttgart ) who was attempting to prevent Germans from appearing before the Duke .
3 He explained the detailed attention which was paid to the background of a child appearing before the Panel and pointed out that it was often revealed that the children concerned came from large families , which were poor and in which there was an absence of adult male guidance .
4 Thus he was a supernumerary stoker on a tramp steamer ( how Thesiger hated appearing before the ambassador in Constantinople in his flannels when His Excellency cabled the boat with an invitation ) .
5 They accepted it and it was swiftly published , appearing before the end of 1938 .
6 They had allegedly made millions of dollars in the 1980s by borrowing from BCCI to buy and sell shares in the holding company which owned First American , but on Sept. 11 both men , appearing before the House Banking Committee , denied any knowledge of secret control by BCCI .
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