Example sentences of "appearing [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 At the House of Lords hearing , the QC appearing for the Attorney General made it clear the law lords ' ruling meant no case could be brought against the hospital or medical staff involved .
2 Mr Geoffrey Robertson , QC , appearing for the film 's director and producer , Nigel Wingrove and John Stephenson , argued that the board 's grounds for banning the video rested upon very insecure foundations .
3 Counsel then appearing for the petitioner does not seem to have appreciated that the cancellation issue had been heard in the course of the trial of the preliminary issue and finally decided by the Court of Appeal on 4 October 1991 .
4 But I was not surprised when , several years later , I read that Sir Robert Armstrong , appearing for the government in the Spycatcher trial in Sydney , had admitted to cross-examining counsel that he had been what he called ‘ economical with the truth ’ .
5 If section 9(4) was intended to have the effect contended for in the skeleton argument of Mr. William Charles , appearing for the Treasury Solicitor , appropriate words could easily have been found .
6 He never forgave the chemist ( Sir ) Edward Frankland [ q.v. ] , who had been a colleague , for appearing for the prosecution .
7 Rodney Klevan QC is appearing for the prosecution and Gilfoyle is defended by David Turner QC .
8 The couple rent a home in the resort Joe is appearing for the summer .
9 Ben has been in the home since the beginning of the year when , while appearing as the Sheriff of Nottingham in a panto in Whitchurch , he was taken ill in his digs .
10 Potentilla ‘ Melton Fire ’ Hardy perennial spreading shrub , with large bi-coloured strawberry-red and lemon flowers appearing through the whole of the summer .
11 Additionally , it is wise to lay a felt paper on floor boards before laying your underlay as this will prevent dust from entering the back of the carpet as well as minimising ‘ floorboard lines ’ appearing through the carpet surface .
12 ( a ) summer aggregations ( appearing during the period from May to October ) form on the open rock surface of exposed shores .
13 Jo Brand , Ennio Marchetto and Thea Vidale are among other performers appearing during the festival , which runs until June 24 .
14 The curve of y = ax 4 + bx ³ + cx ² will give an essentially parabolic form with a ripple appearing near the vertex .
15 It may be more appropriate to use the name ‘ KPMG Peat Marwick ’ with ‘ Corporate Finance ’ appearing underneath the firm 's name .
16 These developments in British economic thinking are shown by the publication of two remarkable business texts , which were widely read and discussed in the early 1960s. first , appearing under the title Management 's Mission in a New Society , were 20 provocative papers , originally written in celebration of the first 50 years of the Harvard Business School .
17 Thousands of dead fish have been appearing in the river Allier in the French department of Puy-de-Dôme .
18 This was true of 6.5 per cent of defendants appearing in the Crown Court and 12.2 per cent who were proceeded against in the magistrates ' courts in 1999 , all of whom could be said to have suffered a double injustice .
19 any name which is the same as a name appearing in the index of names kept by the Registrar of Companies ( s. 714 ) ;
20 Each town appearing in the index has two coordinates ( latitude and longitude ) which range from — 90 to + 90 and from — 180 to + 180 respectively .
21 They replace traditional legitimations of power by appearing in the mantle of modern science and by deriving their justification from the critique of ideology .
22 Before Buddy beckoned , he worked on various sea cruises as well as appearing in the touring version of Showboat .
23 He was half-heartedly involved in a discussion on Mary Deare , who at this moment was speeding in a hired car towards Manchester to spend Christmas Day at the Midland Hotel with an unnamed friend appearing in The Tinder Box .
24 Very often a film involving a close-up of hands will have used a special ‘ hand model ’ in place of the actor appearing in the rest of the commercial .
25 But the odds appear to be stacked against him appearing in the Battle of Britain Part II , at Elland Road .
26 Although I could see marriage appearing in the distance , it was still a long way off .
27 Asik heard a rumbling noise and he could just see a small cloud of dust appearing in the distance .
28 ‘ In case you 've forgotten , ’ he said , eyes flashing , ‘ you are wearing my ring and an announcement is appearing in the South China Morning Post tomorrow morning .
29 It may seem odd to find these aquatic animals appearing in the desert , but the eggs of these shrimps probably lie all over the desert , collecting in the depressions which ultimately become pools .
30 Then , like cracks appearing in the wall of a dam , his face dissolved , a great flood of pain and hurt overwhelming him .
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