Example sentences of "representative of the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Four townships ( A , B , C and D ) were then selected as being representative of the various combinations of these factors shown by the 48 townships as a whole ( see Table 5.1 ) .
2 The criterion governing the choice has been that which has directed Ortiz 's own collecting : aesthetic quality , with the additional requirement that the works of art should be representative of the best of their culture .
3 LIFFE 's membership is widely representative of the financial services industry .
4 The people with whom we had the intensive interviews and from whom we quote are not necessarily representative of the two districts in which they live .
5 The two figures , the first man and woman , emerge from the union and are representative of the two polarized or opposite principles existing throughout nature , or the ‘ Son ’ .
6 Skill in letter-writing is by no means evenly distributed among the population and letter-writers can not be said to be representative of the general population .
7 Random samples are objectively determined and their " sampling error " can be calculated to indicate the degree to which they are representative of the relevant population .
8 In other words , a quota sample is not statistically representative of the relevant population .
9 He said , trades council delegates can hardly be deemed to be representative of the broad interests of our movement .
10 If one believes that the total density of the Universe must be very close to the critical value , this implies that the baryon fraction in compact groups is representative of the mean cosmological value .
11 A similar process of topic identification can contribute to the present project , by reinforcing the choice of words whose senses contain subject codes that have been identified as being representative of the overall text .
12 But the question remains , how confident can we be that a formula score is truly representative of the overall difficulty level ?
13 Waugh heard BBC Third Programme discussions about himself , a form of torture he came to feel peculiarly representative of the modern age he despised .
14 The shape and size of this report is representative of the middle-sized report .
15 At this point a word of warning should be included : it is little use spending days/weeks describing and analysing one thin section if you are not sure whether this section is representative of the sedimentary sequence you are evaluating .
16 Among the extant Hotteterre instruments there are only three transverse flutes , all of which are representative of the earliest three-piece model , and are stamped ‘ Hotteterre ’ with an anchor below .
17 These results should be treated with a little caution , as the group surveyed is not statistically representative of the total population of practitioners throughout the country , and the costs estimated may not be based on detailed analyses of time and expenses .
18 It is important to note here that the drug career patterns of ‘ known ’ users presented below can not be representative of the total user population .
19 Stuart continued to maintain that their was best , being representative of the middle course .
20 The location and other characteristics of the schools associated with the project suggested that the sample of low attainers drawn from them would be representative of the lowest 40 per cent of attainers nationally .
21 The symbol is representative of the essential fabric upon which the higher Indian mentality is woven .
22 A particularly detailed investigation into matters of this kind was conducted in the Tatar autonomous republic , whose social and demographic characteristics were reasonably representative of the Soviet population as a whole .
23 These featured the abolition of the post of general secretary and its replacement by that of party chairman ( this proposal appeared to be the basis of a rumour broadcast by the United States television network CNN on Jan. 30 , producing a brief panic in world financial markets , that Gorbachev was about to resign ) ; replacement of the politburo with a new body more broadly representative of the Soviet Union 's federal structure ; and reduction in the size of the central committee , which would become a permanent working body .
24 Overall , Browne is representative of the English florid style of choral composition at not only its most assured but also at its most imaginative .
25 These exemplars were chosen to reflect a range of different traffic situations within each junction and were intended to be representative of the full set of 28 films of each junction available from the drives in Study 1 .
26 The inverted commas are used to emphasize that such statements contain estimates and personal decisions that are sometimes arbitrary and refer to specific accounting periods which may not be representative of the operational situation .
27 The inverted commas are used to emphasize that such statements contain estimates and personal decisions that are sometimes arbitrary and refer to specific accounting periods which may not be representative of the operational situation .
28 These results are based on considerably expanded sample sizes so may be accepted as being more representative of the expected performance within each domain .
29 Norbert and Alfred are representative of the thirty-six young refugees held in mental hospitals in 1945 .
30 Different views have been offered as to what these constraints might be , but the following list is representative of the main ones :
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