Example sentences of "launched [pron] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Simon launched himself towards the table and crashed both clenched fists down on its surface , making it rock dangerously and all the mugs and cans rattle .
2 He launched himself at the taller of the two men , dragging him back .
3 With a growl he launched himself at the wizard , boots clattering as he slid from ring to ring .
4 It was not until Ernest Bloch launched himself on the scene , with Three Jewish Poems in 1913 that ‘ Jewish music ’ per se arrived ; even then it was only half-oriental , half-western in style and colouration .
5 Lio ! rt gasped at the sudden turn of speed with which the wizard had dodged his killing stroke and , with that desperation only available to the really terrified , Rincewind uncoiled like a snake and launched himself across the space between them .
6 He launched himself over the edge , going into free-fall , his feet still planted on his board .
7 Recovering his balance with uncanny speed , he snarled and launched himself after the still tumbling figure of his intended victim .
8 Thunder flashes , Roman candles and other pyrotechnics would enliven its passage until , a spinning hoop of flame , it launched itself over the cliff , described a brief trajectory and plunged into the sea , never to be seen again .
9 By going global before its rivals and by investing heavily in managerial expertise , IBM launched itself as the world 's biggest computer company .
10 With that strength of support coming from far and near , the South Ronaldsay Parents Action Committee launched itself into the mammoth task it faced .
11 and as soon as the panes been blown out , it was such a force , it was blowing them between two houses , smashing on the road , and in the end , once a few more panes had gone that was it the whole greenhouse , I sat there watching this greenhouse , it just suddenly launched itself off the bit on it , over our fence , it went , there was glass everywhere for weeks afterwards , when I was cutting the lawn , oh dear the
12 Zambia launched hirself from the window , twisting hir body to the right , throwing up hir legs to , hopefully , land on hir shoulder .
13 She launched herself through the doorway and was safely behind the skip by the time the first bullets rattled against it .
14 Ace switched on the spacewalk jets and launched herself through the widening yawn of the doors .
15 With all her strength Benny Hogan launched herself off the wall down on Maire Carroll .
16 She launched herself off the chair and I was thinking oh yes , this is it , come to me you gorgeous creature .
17 Seizing a bunch of roses from the display outside the Rose Bowl 's window , Folly launched herself across the street .
18 Maggie knew the source of her own fear : in her anger she had so nearly , so very nearly , launched herself into the air , growling a dragon 's fury , sparks flying not from her eyes but from her mouth , raining blows from above , hovering over the teacher like St Michael over the devil .
19 She launched herself into the tiny room , crouching , arms spread wide , ready to grab Gazzer if he made a dash for the door .
20 Determined to write herself out of her poverty , Buchi Emecheta launched herself on the book world with an autobiographical account of life in London for a young Nigerian single parent .
21 Her next big campaign , shot by Herb Ritts , launched her into the fashion stratosphere and on to the covers of magazines from Vogue to Rolling Stone .
22 IBM developed SQL , a non-procedural data definition language , and launched it with the original SQL/DS under DOS/VSE back in 1980 .
23 The four drove to Suez with the boats and some dummy limpet mines , infiltrated the heavily guarded dock area and launched themselves into the water .
24 When they launched themselves into the dusk they seemed to fill the sky to the north for long minutes , and their cries reached as far as the village .
25 Benny and Mortimer immediately launched themselves from the bushes , the rest of the Marines following , firing at any worshipper who had a weapon .
26 Kosi and Lars exchanged brief looks and then launched themselves after the girl .
27 And as , with the last of my strength , I launched myself into the air it came to me suddenly why I had dreamed about Blossom last night .
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