Example sentences of "contributed to the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In soliciting response to analysis and subsequent proposals produced out of higher level partnerships , it would be asking for local ideas to be contributed to the whole .
2 On the thorny question of the failure of the Goya ‘ Portrait of Dona Maria Teresa de Vallabriga y Rozas ’ ( lot 342 ) , unsold at £600,000 Charles Beddington noted that prices for Goya paintings are still puzzlingly low ( particularly as the record price for a Goya drawing now stands at £600,000 ) while he felt that a recession-led caution may have contributed to the lack of interest in the Zurbarán , bought in at £900,000 ( est. £1.2–1.6 million ) .
3 The New Critics did not believe , of course , that the value of poetry lay in isolated metaphors or similes ; on the contrary , they insisted that in good literature all the components of the text contributed to the reconciliation of opposites that constitutes its poetic function .
4 There was no corporation tax or income tax to absorb a proportion of its profits , and the Company contributed to the king 's revenue partly by paying customs duties on imports brought into the country , and partly by making nominally voluntary contributions to the exchequer .
5 Moreover , ministers were aware that the Government 's own actions had contributed to the recession .
6 ( 3 ) The register shall not be rectified , except for the purpose of giving effect to an overriding interest or an order of the court , so as to affect the title of the proprietor who is in possession — ( a ) unless the proprietor has caused or substantially contributed to the error or omission by fraud or lack of proper care ; or … ( c ) unless for any other reason , in any particular case , it is considered that it would be unjust not to rectify the register against him .
7 Because of the national shortage of timber in the Stuart period , James I banned the use of wood to fuel glass furnaces , and the need for coal supplies contributed to the rise in importance of glass making in Scotland and the North of England .
8 Saadi spoke of the FLN as a " factory of misery " , blaming it for the " alarming social problems " which , he said , had contributed to the rise of the fundamentalist movement .
9 Nasser 's lower-middle-class background contributed to the widening of his political interests beyond those imaginable to the fellahin , the peasantry ; while at the same time making him aware of the latter 's situation , and the political and economic oppression suffered .
10 The question was raised whether academics , planners and policy makers have unwillingly contributed to the realisation of the prophecy concerning conflict between incomers and Shetlanders ?
11 The proceeds contributed to the reduction in interest charges — down from £1.11m to £36,000 — and the financing of the £4m acquisition in March last year of HIP , a metal treatment company , and Infutec , a metal bonding specialist .
12 Hybrid vigour may well have contributed to the robustness with which the ranch escapees established themselves so widely , quickly spreading along the waterways and coasts and filling a niche left virtually empty after the removal by gamekeepers of otters , stoats and polecats .
13 Only two had both upper and lower gastrointestinal disease that might have contributed to the anaemia .
14 Black people have contributed to the culture of Britain in many ways and black athletes are now an integral part of Britain 's athletic success .
15 Looking back on these campaigns at the end of her life , she defined the law as the chief agency for enacting God 's work and for abolishing the double-standard , which menaced the young and ultimately contributed to the disintegration of the state .
16 Commercial and media interest has contributed to the professionalisation of rock climbing , especially exemplified by the sports climber .
17 These , and other changes , all contributed to the doubling of productivity within those six years , and he is optimistic that it could be trebled as a result of the fast , electronic and computer assisted information that is now available .
18 This underthrusting began in the Early Miocene and contributed to the doubling of crustal thickness ( up to 80 km in places ) and the impressive subsequent uplift of the Higher Himalayas .
19 After Ahlquist made his first observations on the alpha and beta receptors , and before they had any practical development , another series of drugs appeared which , somewhat unexpectedly , contributed to the treatment of hypertension .
20 These so-called ‘ Zubatov unions ’ proved abortive and indeed contributed to the explosion of protest which was to shake the regime during 1905 .
21 The ready availability of recording devices contributed to the explosion of research into sleep and dreaming during the late 1960s .
22 These ‘ Zubatov unions ’ , so-called in honour of the police chief who sponsored them , tended to escape the control of their sponsors and contributed to the explosion of protest which shook the regime during 1905 .
23 The then President of the British Academy and the current Chairman of the British Library Board , Sir Anthony Kenny FBA , supported , encouraged , and contributed to the seminar .
24 The award compensates the employee for any loss sustained as a result of the dismissal itself and the employer 's actions but each employee is under a duty to mitigate the loss and the tribunal will make a deduction if the employee 's actions contributed to the dismissal .
25 The loss of revenue from areas of the country affected by civil unrest had also contributed to the deficit .
26 We 'll need to ask what we have contributed to the conflict which elicits the frustrated , rankled response from our friend , colleague , or neighbour .
27 The provision of permanent waters led everywhere to overgrazing and consequent soil erosion , and veterinary quarantine regulations which interfered with the free movement of cattle both within and into and out of the reserves almost certainly contributed to the spread of tsetse fly which occurred during the colonial period .
28 Transmission rates in parts of south and south-east Asia , once considered relatively safe , were as high as sub-Saharan Africa , while " new-found freedom " in eastern and central Europe had also contributed to the spread of AIDS .
29 In this way , as in others , the project directly contributed to the formulation of the school 's future language policy .
30 The devaluation of the pound and the Swedish krone had also contributed to the fall .
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