Example sentences of "ranging from [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Behind her was the backdrop of green garden foliage , and just out of her reach , on a small coffee-table that she had positioned at Faye 's instruction , stood an enormous vase filled with flowers — all red ones , ranging from deepest crimson to a vibrant vermilion orange .
2 There are English law cases of the late fifteenth-century for not providing meat , drink , and lodging to a retired father-in-law , while Swedish High Court disputes of two centuries later show grievances ranging from poor food to cursing and physical violence .
3 Variations in dip of master detachment fault structures , ranging from low angle ( 10° for South Mountains and Sevier Desert detachments ) to high angle , may then be controlled by lateral variations in thermal and mechanical properties of a layered crust .
4 Graydon tested out this system by producing a list of some hundreds of UK buyers for the credit insurer with each buyer measured with a risk score ranging from low risk to high risk .
5 It says it is looking to provide a full range of products ranging from low end consumer devices through to those aimed at users in vertical markets such as insurance or medicine .
6 Driving is a task which has many components ranging from overlearned perceptual-motor skills to complex aspects of judgment and decision making .
7 Fourteen diabetes related examinations were looked for in the medical records , ranging from visual acuity and foot pulses to random blood sugar and urine analysis .
8 the tank this just hold compressed air and comes in sizes ranging from 7 litre to 15 litre they are made from steel or aluminium and have a valve to let the air out .
9 Half jokingly , Clare assumed the role of teacher-guide , and fed Carolyn a steady supply of reading material on the Women 's Movement , ranging from Spare Rib magazine to the lives of suffragettes ; from The Female Eunuch to pamphlets on Consciousness Raising .
10 Officials blamed the shortage on a combination of problems ranging from unanticipated demand , factory shutdowns because of equipment breakdown , a shortfall in imports because of changed COMECON trading arrangements , and even the nationalist turmoil in Armenia , where most filters were made .
11 The light-greens themselves are variegated , ranging from respectable Establishment bodies like the National Trust and the RSPB at one end to the more radical organisations like Greenpeace and Friends of the Earth at the other .
12 The college 's training department has since 1988 designed specialist short courses to business and industry , ranging from European marketing for managers to courses for engineers .
13 None the less , observers of animal behaviour know that altruistic acts with differing degrees of self-sacrifice are of common occurrence , ranging from parental care to group defence and rescue behaviour to complex forms of co-operation .
14 Many companies are making software announcements at the Supercomputing ‘ 92 : nCube reports that off-the-shelf software packages will be available on its massively parallel systems for applications ranging from molecular modelling to design pharmaceuticals and for oil exploration .
15 Applications ranging from molecular sequencing ( an important tool in bio-engineering ) to modelling oil reservoirs , image processing and high-energy physics were described .
16 These categories correspond closely to Blauner 's , ranging from traditional craft work at the one end to a completely automated , cybernetic , system at the other .
17 A car salesperson has many models ranging from small economy cars to super luxury top-of-the-range models .
18 A variety of types of wood was used in its construction , ranging from small diameter poles to large pieces of split trees .
19 Sales of the product , whose yellow capsules contain natural minerals and vitamins to alleviate ailments ranging from pre-menstrual tension to lack of energy , have crashed by 30% to £1.9m .
20 This ‘ tinnitus ’ is a symptom of several medical conditions , ranging from excess wax in the external ear to infection in the middle ear or direct involvement of the nerve responsible for hearing .
21 Convincing indications have been obtained both by human observation and animal experiments that emotional stress during pregnancy in the maternal subjects was associated with disorder ranging from emotional instability and slower reaction times to Mongolism and schizophrenia in their offspring .
22 This steer , in brief , sets out 10 key areas of ‘ health gain ’ , ranging from emotional health to cancers , and determines how these should be addressed by ‘ people-centred ’ planning and effective use of resources .
23 The sources of his inspiration were many — ranging from Irish folklore and custom to the politics of international socialism — but his voice was uniquely his own ; in the words of Eavan Boland , ‘ no one else has quite had his themes ; no one else has quite ventured on his enquiries ’ .
24 The different responses to care planning can be located along a spectrum ranging from wholesale assimilation at one end to radical adaptation at the other , with different degrees of each in between .
25 Nearly 30 displays were complemented by the colour co-ordinated floral arrangements ranging from delicate table centres to dramatic displays of imported flowers and foliage .
26 It is gearing up for its second consecutive presidential election in November , with candidates ranging from far right to soft left , and front-runners representing the centre .
27 If a reply was ‘ unavoidable ’ , unions should refer to an attached five-page briefing note giving model replies to questions ranging from Labour Party funding to the minimum wage , and suggested that unions should highlight the financing of the Tories by business .
28 As Nair ( 1985 ) has pointed out , there are many different types of agroforestry systems ranging from shifting cultivation to agrisilvicultural practices .
29 The defendants were sentenced to prison terms ranging from one year ( suspended ) to life .
30 Money Market Loans are available for larger businesses , for fixed terms ranging from one day to a year ( usually at the shorter end of that range ) .
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